Delete me dead guild

Hunters hunters hunters

Killing Arti and moving to Council soon GET IN WHILE THE SPOTS ARE HOT

need a good Mage come @ me bro

i just sneezed and pulled a muscle in my arm somehow. ow

still looking for a beast mage

where them disc/holy priest at come on lets go

Bump, where are the mythic raiders at?

Hunters mages !!! resto shamans resto druids!!! where they at

did some one say Hunter

Bloodcouncil dies this week… maybe

MMmm resto shamans

still got a healing spot open

listen here younglings Hunter?

hey resto shamans can i get a ohhhhhhyeahhhh!!!

i was a mage once

Hunters resto shamans any one good???

i am dirty

hey MM hunters want to play

i am Coldbanger

Boyyzzz 9.1 coming in Hot still need me a HUnter and a resto druid come on boyzzz