Delete Death Knights

There’s no reason for them to exist outside of WOTLK classic anymore.


How rude. :pensive:

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While we are at it delete Demon Hunters, Paladins, Monks, and any class not a hunter.

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This is why I don’t feel bad about invading Light’s Hope.


Huh… so people that move on from a job for something better should stop existing because they have no use to their original employer… interesting.

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Shall we finally destroy Light’s Hope Chapel once and for all, fellow unliving?

Can you!? The last time you were there y’all rolled over :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s an odd way of phrasing “murderized our way through their forces into the heart of the pally order hall” but to each their own.


I forget how many times people walk over the light wielding classes. I was remembering the DK intro.

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We’re still the best class.

I just want to know how new Death Knights keep popping up now that Lich King Bolvar isn’t anymore and the helm of Domination is also destroyed.

It’s not that I want them gone. I just don’t understand how new ones are being generated.

None canonically have been created since the new DK intro was added would be my guess.



I want to offer you a hug.

I LOVE that movie!


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I now am slightly annoyed that Topol was never asked to voice Prophet Velen…


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Until those Wrath servers become Cata and like with BC, no perma server for it except for vanilla, for whatever reason.