[Definitely Real] Patch 9.1: "Wrath of Kel'thuzad"

Wrath of Kel’thuzad

As the Heroes from Azeroth reel from the battle against Denathrius and his foul machinations and settle on mending hte internal problems of their chosen covenant the Jailer’s plan moves forward.
From Torghast he has schemed to enact a plan that will finally leave him fully able to leave the Maw and enact his reign over the anima-starved realm of the Shadowlands.

Return to Maldraxxus and help the Undying army in their defense against the dread fortress Arthramas and its inhabitants.

Gain more Renown with your chosen covenant and earn further rewards, including a covenant specific mount and new soulbind abilities.

Delve into the dread fortress Arthramas and defeat the 11 new bosses.

Total War: Maldraxxus

A new covenant agnostic storyline. Aid the Undying Army with their war effort and explore the history of Maldraxxus and learn why Kel’thuzad and his master desperately wants what is hidden beneath the Theater of Pain.

More covenant specific quests

Kyrian : Aid the Kyrian in rebuilding from the devastation wrought by the Forsworn. The process of giving Kyrians the power of a Paragon is intricate and soaked in tradition, but who among the Ascended is worthy of the charge.

Venthyr : Aid The Venthyr in gaining the last Medallion from the Stonewright. Delve back into Castle Nathria and uncover the true extent of Denathrius’ deception and his plans to aid the Jailer.

Night Fae : Search the Shadowlands for the previous Night Warriors. Secure Ardenweald and find the truth of how the Drust managed to cross the barrier between Thros and Ardenweald.

Necrolords : Gather allies and assemble your mighty army to take back the House of the Chosen from the treacherous Vyraz. Uncover the deepest held secrets of the Primus, and perhaps even a clue ot his disappearance.


The Dread Fortress Arthramas is among the mightiest of the Necropoli constructed in the Shadowlands. Built in Torghast by the Jailers finest craftsmen and helmed by the Grand Lich Kel’thuzad, the Jailer intends to conquer Maldraxxus by force, and at last find the Primus’ secret hidden beneath the bone and ash.


Constructed in the Fracture Chambers by Stitchflesh’s most devoted disciples Franken is a true monster beyond compare. Crafted as the ultimate weapon his stitched bosy is composed of only the finest parts gathered from across the Shadowlands.

The Chosen Few

The last remaining members of the House of the Chosen still loyal to Vyraz. Led by the ambitious barons Kerax and Artanis, the champions of Maldraxxus functions as the standing army of Arthramas, and will defend its halls with all they have.

The Great Mighty Slime

Baroness Tayesh was an ever industrious alchemist of the House of Plagues, and a particular master of the creation of slimes. Though killed in the explosion that destroyed her house her foremost creation still lingered.
It cleans armor. It serves mixed drinks. It even sings. And if left to its own devices it will gladly consume the entirety of the Shadowlands.

Margrave Vyraz

Ambitious in life, death did nothing to quell Vyraz’ urge for power.
His skills earned him a place in the House of the Chosen. His tactical accumen made him a baron. And his skill at underhanded tricks made him Margrave.
Now only the position of Primus lies between him and complete control over Maldraxxus, and with the power gifted him by the Jailer, Vyraz stands once more in the arena, ready to prove his might in combat once more.

Tracker Yorta

Among the foremost hunters in the Beastwarrens of the Maw, Yorta has grown tired of hunting mere lost souls. Hoping to track more spirited prey he gladly joined Arthramas on its mission of conquest.
Mortal Souls are a rare treat for the Shadowlands, and Yorta intends to hone his skills before the inevitable conquest of the mortal plane.

First Ascendant Kelvanos

Once a Kyrian Aspirant, Kelvanos did not manage to part with his mortal burdens. Sent instead of Maldraxxus his feelings of inadequacy over having failed to earn his wings festered for eons.
Now the Jailer has given him a new chance for wings, and with the skills he learned in Maldraxxus he is a perfect fit to lead the aerial forces of Arthramas into battle.

The Stalker

Among the first creatures to inhabit the mountain of what would once become Maldraxxus, the Stalker has spent eons in unending hunt.
When Arthramas entered Maldraxxus it made the mistake of passing by its den. Now it stalks the darkened hallways of Arthramas, hoping to find a succulent meal.

The Dread Riders

Curated by the jailer since his imprisonment these four riders have spent eons training in preparation for leading the Jailers armies.

The Grand Necromancer

The entity known only as the Grand Necromancer has long been a closely guarded secret in the House of Rituals. Stolen by Kel’thuzad he intends ot use it to house the energies needed to free the Jailer from his prison.

The Endless Army

Long before the arbiter sent souls to Maldraxxus to create an army the defences of the Shadowlands was seen to by The Endless Army, a grand necormantic creation made by the Primus.
Though ancient the powers contained within could potentially soothe the worst of the anima drought, or potentially break the chains of the Jailer.


Defeated once before by the Heroes of Azeroth, the mighty Kel’thuzad has always wanted more power.
But now that his plans are ruined he is left with but two choices. Defeat the opponents before him, or face the wrath of his new master.

i prefer like as they did in Return of Kharazan in Legion but not only with ICC, but with their own Necropolis Naxxramas in Return to Icecrown.

But If this is real, where is your source?

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This was something made by Sondrelk over on MMO-Champion.

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Hope so, because if this is real, I’ll be skipping this tier to play TBC completely.

I wish that a part was not, in that everything is Maldraxxus, as I referred, I preferred a return of Kel’thuzad and the takeover of an ICC that does not have a king but the return of a Naxxramas as a Kharazan Legion style dungeon or Mechagon.

I say this that Kel’thuzad was defeated but not his phylactery, which could still be transferred between Azeroth and Shadowlands adn are not this dead after all like other scourges leaders in Azeroth, but I think like all new x.1 we would have a short raid of 2 or 4 bosses depending on the old style of Legion or BfA in where supposedly before it was known of a rare Ardenweed raid where the final boss would be the winter queen or Tyrande, which sounds strange the first no.

Naxxramas 3.0: Kel’thuzad boogaloo

“Wrath of Reboot’azad 7.0”?

Aren’t they paying Christie Golden to actually write new stories? Or is WoW turning into the Twilight of video game lore?

Seriously, the best story I’ve ever experienced in this game was MoP, when they went “screw it, let’s just make some new characters and write them a story” and then those new characters served up the attitude to the tedious tropey Alliance and Horde in a way that made us think the game was going to move forward from there.

But then, yeah, WoD, and from there it’s just been “dig out the tropey lore character and reboot them”.

If Kel’thuzad is the next-patch thing, that means an entire patch of pustules and blisters and pus and seeping wounds and disease and… yeah nah, probably not the right time in the world for that to be an enjoyable escape thanks all the same!

Remember Naxxramas? You remember Naxxramas and Icecrown right?

Well, we’re doing it again!


I don’t think we’ll get the KT raid until like second to last or even last with the Jailer being the boss after KT. Speculation is Blighted Lands (pocket dimension prison of the Drust) is our next stop. Though the Night Fae did stop their witch from opening the portal to it in Ardenweald.

Looks at the title of this thread:

Looks at the title from the website he stole it from

[speculation ideas] Patch 9.1: “Wrath of Kel’thuzad”

An illusion! What are you hiding?!

p.s. This is at the bottom of the post:

(Mostly written for fun if that wasnt immediately obvious, and because this post would have taken too much space on a dedicated predictions forum)

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with even less loot!!!


April 1st is traditionally fools day not February 1st!


… maybe more pointless anima.

Maldraxxus has no lore relevance anymore. The Civil War is over and the villains have been vanquished. If Kel’thuzad is going to attack anywhere, it should be Ardenweald for a couple reasons:

A) There’s almost no lore thread tying Maldraxxus and Ardenweald together. Bastion and Maldraxxus are tied together by the incursion of Necrotic Wake, Maldraxxus and Revendreth are heavily tied together in the Covenant campaign, and Revendreth and Bastion through some of the quests and themes of atonement and penace. In fact, Ardenweald is almost entirely separate from the plot of the expansion so far.

B) The story has hinted that the Heart of the Forest is the key to releasing the Jailer.

C) We need more stuff in Ardenweald anyways.

If I were forced to make KT the final boss of the next patch, I feel like plague-infested groves would be an interesting concept. Mushroom bosses, a Loatheb-like boss, plagued Loa, etc. And then of course you could have your typical Naxx fan-service in there and end with a battle for the Heart of the Forest - KT is killed but the Heart of the Forest is corrupted, yada yada. Do the whole Eternal Palace thing where we win but we lose.

Not true, Vyraz and the House of the Chosen are still out there.

Hell no.

I still LOATHE that they did that to Karazhan. Blizzard needs to stop trying to recycle old content in to something “better”. It, so far, has never worked.

All I want for 9.1 is the removal of SND for Sin Rogues.

Really? Because the majority of people loved the Return to Karazhan when it came out. Are you sure you’re not mistaking your dislike of it for it “never worked”?

Are you sure you’re not mistaking your own enjoyment for that dungeon for something else? Because I remember a lot of people disliking that they revisited Karazhan in such a massively annoying manner whatsoever. It wasn’t even remotely reminiscent of Karazhan at all, and that’s the worst part.

Return to Kara is one of my all-time favorite dungeons. Prior to getting my KSM mount this season my go-to mounts were Midnight and Nightbane. I loved the heck out of it. It was quite wonderful.