Definitely "Officer" material

Marshall Cruentus spent his last AV in the basement next to SHgy filling out important paperwork, never once distracted by the battle raging around him, never once leaving his first duty, getting credit of what other people do.

Dying on the front-lines is well below my pay grade as a Marshal, I am there to provide leadership and instill hope in the brave young Sergeants and Knights doing battle for the Alliance against the brutal Horde. Often times this leadership takes the form of long hours of tedious paperwork (which I assure you can be difficult in it’s own right) in order to support the Alliance offensive logistically.

I hope you understand Mae,

Yours truly,

Marshal Cruentus.


I’ll never understand the mentality behind those that cheat at a video game.

Big difference between cheating and doing paper work for the good of the Alliance.

IS semi-AFK, non-participation honor/rep leeching cheating? It is certainly shameful, worthy of being called out in a public forum, but cheating…not real sure.