It’s a known issue at least! I didn’t realise this page existed
I am really disappointed in Josh “lore” and the rest of the community team that they couldn’t take less than a minute to copy and paste this to the forums just like I am doing right now:
We have received multiple reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.
Really disappointed in this patch so far.
Also having this issue - I think this mount is so cool and has a wonderful design, and it’s a big bummer that in zones without flying it doesn’t affect run speed!
they’re working on it. that’s all we can hope for at this point.
I was so excited to ride this mount and also have an “all in one” mount
Hope they fix it soon
This got fixed today for anyone who was still checking!
big thanks to the blizz team for fixing this so quickly!
All fixed as of 02/28/22! Funny too, they did it so covertly. I logged in after work, tested the mount first thing, still didn’t work. A few hours later and I’m still playing, I hop on the mount again and boom, mount is fixed. Thank you so much to the developer(s) who fixed this!
Not sure if related per se, but since everyone in here got the mount already, has anyone been able to procure a second lure from vashj after the reset?
Not only did she not have one available for me, but going to the fish locations there are no pools there either. Is this a one time use item? I read on comments stating we were meant to just get a new lure each reset from Vashj.