Deepholm Quests

I have no idea what happen but it shouldnt be this difficult lol. I appreciate your help!

That one is true!

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(26625))

(troggzor the earthinator)

This is false

so you have completed the axe of earthly sundering and havenā€™t completed troggzor

which means u need to be in this chain somewhere

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Holy crap, there it is. ā€œOne with the groundā€. Thank you.

jeez that was hard, so many quests with so many requirements of other quests, like a jigsaw puzzle


Thank you for all your hard work!


deepholm needs to be deleted from the game

This has the been the most productive thread Iā€™ve seen in years. Impressive detective work!


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