Deephaul Ravine bugged

Enemy team capture crystal and now have 1460 points,
My team have 1420 points, have 1 car, and can steal other
Cars enter, No points for my team,
New cars Up and enemy team wins,
Lost 12 points, No conquest, No mount progress,
i buy game, pay all months 15 usd and game is broken,
No support,
Lot of bugs,
give my Points blizzard!!!

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This shows a misunderstanding of the BG.

Unlike Silvershard Mines, you don’t win by capping carts.

You win by controlling carts.

Having 2 carts gets your more points per second than having 1 cart.

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Oh, so no points is added when the cart enter the shop? I never really paid attention to the points, Also, I figured if you capped Crystal while controlling both cart it would be good.

I’m not entirely sure if it’s zero, but it’s not big.

You get way more points holding the carts, and having both bumps that up massively.

No you do get points for capping carts. OP is talking about the pretty common bug where capping a cart will not award points. Other guy is confused because of the broken English.

It’s 100 points, which is worth about 50 seconds of cart control.

Oh, my apologies.

So, about 25 seconds of controlling both carts.

Yeah a little less though because you get 9 points per tick when controlling 2 carts instead of 8.