Takes quite a bit for all key binding, macro, and addon options to load in once you get in. First time I’ve seen this particular issue come along with latency. Thought I was going to have to redo a bunch of addon options at first.
Getting past the “Logging in to Game Server” message takes over a minute on retail (Dalaran server), then another 30 seconds to download my list of characters. Currently latency is showing at 50ms, which is pretty standard, but looting and other actions upwards of 10 seconds to complete.
Tried resetting my PC, checking other websites to see if there’s other latency issues that might be on my side, but they’re all behaving normally. Figured I should let you guys know.
I was in a BG an everyone else was lagging. Zoning in was slow. When we won, it couldn’t re-load to the zone… closed out WoW… couldn’t login because it was stuck where yours was.
You will both want to post in the Tech Support forums. They’re aware of some current issues, you might check to see if they’re related.
It’s not your systems, Blizzard tweeted they are “Investigating” the issue. Multiple servers are having the same latency problem.
That is not guaranteed. They may be experiencing similar symptoms but have a different issue that isn’t going to fix itself when the other is rectified.
Tech Support is still best to see if there’s any relation.
They literally tweeted about it…lol. But ok
I haven’t denied or argued that point. I even stated they were aware of an issue in my first post. Just that OP’s similar symptoms could have a different cause, and effectively telling them not to do anything isn’t beneficial.
On Wyrmrest Accord, I’m noticing a very heavy lag in loading things like Guild Info, Player /who, and Buying / Selling Items to the NPCs. Rather than people bicker and argue, lets focus on solutions.
Could someone post a link to the Blizzard post that states these issues are acknowledged and being looked into? I doubt these issues are exclusive to only a few of us, and it will help other players who come here looking for an answer.
It is currently the top thread in the Tech Support forums with today’s date.
10 characters
I’ll post a link then.
Edit: Thanks Kozzae. <3
Go to Twitter and search Blizzard CS if you want to see the post. I can’t link via my phone. Sorry
Was DC’d in a M+ run because of the sudden latency. Logged back in on that character finally but can’t release. Can log into other characters but can’t move. Can’t do anything.
Myself and multiple other hordies are unable to rez at our corpses at the battle of Naz. I can see my corpse, hover over it, and confirm it’s there, but the Tombstone is nowhere on the map, and the option to rez is not popping. I’d rather not take rez sickness, what is going on?
lol all the core gameplay mechanics work just takes a while to loot
wonder if i should even bother trying to loot my weekly
Was just able to log in. Might just be temp but we will see.