Deathwing Mount Confirmed

I loved him in Xena and Hercules too.

Burn all the zones with Horde cities!

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Except Mulgore; the Tairen are way cool and noble.
Sparing them AND their zone will help prove we are NOT the evil ones in all this!

so we dont know what we have to do yet?
like achieve? or will it be like dungeon event?

All we know for the mount is it will involve some special LFR. Beyond that we have no info. The pet however you get just for logging in.

I imagine we might have to do a scaled-up Dragon Soul to get a Deathwing-themed mount. Prepare for the Trash Battle before Ultraxion.

They have already said it involves "in a 25-player raid (accessible through Raid Finder) that will pit players against some of the most iconic bosses from throughout the game’s history. "

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THIS is the kind of mount that makes you want to pay $15 just to return and get it!