Death Knights

Why the hate for Blood Death Knights in PvP?

They hate what they ain’t.


I don’t get it though, it’s like people think a Tank isn’t viable in BG’s. Or that maybe a Bloo-DK is a bad tank? I don’t know, I don’t get it.

there’s hate for blood in pvp?

Depends what BG and what you are doing.

If it’s WSG and you’re just DPSing midfield, we hate you.
If it’s AV or IoC and you stay on defense and never go to the boss, we hate you.
If you’re gripping things out of my starfall, I hate you.


Nobody likes fighting tanks.


i do.


Why? Its so 1 sided. They don’t stand a chance its just long and drawn out.


You talking about hate from your own side, or the poor suckers that have to deal with the maddeningly frustrating experience of being camped by a blood dk?

Hate from my own Ally team mates. Or supposed to be team mates, heh.

May I ask what you normally focus on when tanking in BG’s? That would help us understand the full picture here.

The last time I was berated for being a Blood-DK in a BG was through the Random Quick Match feature. During the 2min countdown I was told; “Blood? Srsly? GTFO. L2p.” It was awesome, not.

So to answer your question I simply queued? I’m not sure if this a normal Alliance deal or wha…

ignore those players, they are dumb, smart players know any spec can be lethal in the right hands.


That’s kind of what I thought. I’m by no means a pro pvper but I try until my heart’s content! Ive watched numerous videos of blood DK’s just wrecking people in bgs so.

But I figured I’d post a thread and see what other DK’s thought about it. Seems a bit jaded from my breif experience. Though I’m not gonna stop, in fact, I’m even more driven to play this guy harder! Thanks for all the feedback btw!

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Well you’re Alliance so you probably have a lot of bitter people bracing themselves for the next loss. He was likely looking for future scapegoats if he felt he needed one. Was it a win or a loss btw?

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answer to the OP’s question: people are stupid


Blizzard nerfed Blood DK 's because too many snowflakes were crying over how DK’s should have been a tank and dps speck only . Blood Dk’s took a huge nerfed and became Tank instead of dps . I still have haven’t forgive Blizzard or those snowflakes for messing up Blood Dk’s . WoW could be around for another 15 years and I still won’t for give them.

But they seem unstoppable for me? I mean I know I’m not a pro pvper or anything, but I’m kicking butt more often than not and it usually takes at least 2 players or a good 3-5 minute fight to take me down. I’m having a blast, though the haters keep hatin and idk why lol.

when i do random PVP on my prot war I do really well and can get all the KBs.

when I do rated with her it’s still fun but harder to get KBs and harder to do much other than spin things and use dragoncharge effectively. Prob just need practice though in rated environments

This gives me flashbacks of the DK’s heyday when in any midfield engagement your target had a 33% chance of getting flung around like a pinball from sequential death grips.