Looks like you are saying its coming from dots and scourge strike to meâŠ
And if you mean its just scourge strike damage being amplified by diseases on the target then that was how the Death Knight worked as a whole.
At the start of the fight. If you were focusing on scourge strike damage then you went with a glyph of disease that refreshed your diseases on the target when using pestilence.
So it wasnt a disease spec, diseases were just used as a type of augmentation. Frost also had things in it that amplified the damage of things like Tundra Stalker and Glacier Rot which both amplified damage if a disease was on the target or if FF was on the target.
This is correct, but Ghoul Frenzy did.
Those didnt come in until Legion, and I didnt like them then and I still dont.
You did have to do things for Gary, specifically snapshotting which you would also want to do on diseases.
Yes, they did. Auto attacks where your highest at 20+% and timmy and gary were 11-17%. Scourge strike was like 9-12% of your total damage when you combined both the physical and shadow portions.
And if you combined scourge strike + diseases they did even less damage than the 2 pets combined. 17.83% +14.35% = 32.18% for the pets and 5.49%+2.53%(scourge strike)+3.17%+2.76%=13.95% for scourge strike + diseases. Scourge strike + diseases didnt even do as much as either pet alone.
All damage sources count, but the damage was skewed towards the pets. This is with Shadowmourne as well and no DW shenanigans to put the gargoyle at having like a .42 sec cast time.
I liked the interaction with diseases, having multiples, actually feeling like a Death Knight and not a frost knight, blood knight, or unholy knight, but a Death Knight which this playerbase has tried their damnedest to erode in favor of Frost only having blue abilities, blood only having red and unholy only having green or purple or whatever color they associate it with.
I rather have the old DK back with some modern upgrades. Cleaving Death Coils is pretty cool, non passive wandering plague in the ability epidemic is pretty cool as well. There should be some frost in there as well, doesnt have to be prominent but it should be there just like unholy should be present in frost. I want to be a Death Knight not some shadow of what the class was because âfrost and only do frost attacksâ nonsense.
Believe it or not, I agree that a lot of this modern stuff isnt that great. Wounds being pseudo combo points, the erosion of diseases and the part they played into just a passive that under certain builds you could just completely ignore.
The game should be fun first and foremost, in my opinion they should get rid of every single addon so people can just focus on beating the content instead of stomping on other players because of some dumb arbitrary rank / score, and they should just focus on fun. Balance is always going to be a thing but whatever Blizzard has been doing as of late is just milking the players of money without actually delivering anything of quality.
I havent purchased TWW for a reason and it all comes down to the shady junk Blizzard is doing and my gametime is completely funded by whales that is going to shove money into Blizzards coffers anyways.