Came here to add to the thread, Hopefully enough of us have commented to get this fixed returning player after 8 years and wanted to build a DK but i cant
Doing my Paladin until the bugged fixed.
Came here to add to the thread, Hopefully enough of us have commented to get this fixed returning player after 8 years and wanted to build a DK but i cant
Doing my Paladin until the bugged fixed.
currently having the same issue ballista’s do way too much damage and the frostbrood vanquishers mana isnt scaled correctly
Yes, I feel you. I am also returning after almost 7 years and this quest has left me quite disheartened.
I know this isn’t really the solution you want, but if you really just want to play a dk, you can just make one as an allied race. Like making a dark iron dwarf instead of a traditional dwarf.
Allied races start in the ICC and only need to complete a single quest before going out into the world. They also get some unique weapon transmogs from this quest, so it’s worth doing it at least once.
I honestly prefer the original starting zone, it’s just way cooler, so I had to team up with a few people and we suffered together for an hour to do that buggy quest.
Hey all! Do to this bug I have made a guild to help DKs form groups easier. The guild is solely to help new DKs group up and get out of the starting area. I have one for Horde and Alliance Side!
Horde: ‘An End To All Things’
Alliance: ‘An End To All Thing’
The guild will be around till the bug is fixed. Hopefully this will help in some way.
Once your DK is out of the starting area your free to leave! I don’t expect anyone to stay! Just join, group up, do the bugged quest, then leave once out. Thats it!
It looks like you might be able to bypass this quest and the whole starter quest line if you use an Allied Race in the character creation. (That might not help everyone that wants a non-Allied Race)
Yeah I had a draenei I was leveling, ended up caving and making a kul tiran -_-
Patch dropped, quest is still broken. Went in to check it hoping it was fixed. It is not
Yep! I’m canceling my subs! I had three going cause I wanted to go full altoholic for this expansion. But I’m I’m done…I’ll come back once this gets fixed…
they pushed out a new update today and its still broken
they pushed out a new update today and its still broken
I just started to play this game, played a alt to lvl 10 to use dk and now this im a step close to quit
I opened a ticket, they basically told me that they may fix it once the expansion is out. Guess I may renew my subscription then.
Good news everyone! It got fixed
Did i her a Amem