Death From Above Macro

Is there a way I can macro so that when I’m in situations where pvp talents are enabled the macro uses Death From Above is used and in places (dungeons and raids) Dispatch/Eviserate/Envenom?

There’s no explicit check for pvp talents being enabled (and there really should be) so your options are limited right now.

You could use the [nogroup] condition for DFA but then it won’t work while in Arenas or other group PVP content.

/cast [nogroup] pvp ability; non-pvp ability

Yes and no.

You CAN do it through a series of macros, but you’d be better off putting it into a small add-on.

Essentially you want to see if one of your “unearned” active PVP talents is “known” and if so, move PVP versions of selected ability macros (or raw abilities) onto your action buttons in specific places and if they are NOT active, move non-PVP versions of selected ability macros (or raw abilities) onto those action buttons.

This can be managed through Weak Auras (I’ve done it, but it was some time ago and I don’t use WA anymore).

Essentially, as you enter PVP status and if you are out of combat you would make those moves automatically.

If you are NOT out of combat, you would queue up a request to make that move as soon as you are out of combat.

The actual code to move the ability macros (or raw abilities) around is this:


PickupMacro("<macro name>")
PlaceAction(<action slot number>)


PickupSpell(<spell ID>)
PlaceAction(<action slot number>)

Pet Ability

PickupPetAction(<pet bar slot number>)
PlaceAction(<action slot number>)

Gear (as in, for instance, a trinket that’s only useful in PVP)

PickupInventoryItem(<inventory slot ID>)
PlaceAction(<action slot number>)

Item (not sure if there are any PVP specific items, but just in case)

PickUpItem(<item name> or <item ID>)
PlaceAction(<action slot number>)

I don’t know how much deeper I need to go into specifics here, but that’s the 10,000 foot overview.

Thank you. The [nogroup] condition should work well enough for leveling through Legion, although DFA has a 30 second cooldown. What could I add to make it use Dispatch if DFA is on cooldown?

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