Dear MW, BM, and Sub

i see fury slander
i hit the pretty blue heart

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I queue into them a lot, it sucks.

What are you playing the most?

My Devo don’t get afeared of no Fury warr.



The problem is more that I have no way to CC punish a MW while they PVE to victory on the back of slaughterhouse, than actual Fury itself. But Furt queues with MW most of the time I see it.

Oh yea, that’s not a good time into Fury.

SV could 1v1 them in a duel but in Shuffle people are gonna break your cc a lot.

And Warlock/Priest are Fury punching bags.

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If you think those nerfs did anything to mistweaver, you are sorely mistaken lol.

This mentality sucks, just going to lead to less healers overall.

My questions are 2, because harpoon has 20sec CD and Shimmer/Blink has 25sec, not to mention that harpoon has a secondary effect of root the target, they are 2 squishy classes and should have the same mobility, compared to rogue they risk in meele combat, but survivor also hits from ranged combat and explosive shot crits 140k , apart from Secret tech, Rog cannot dispute dmg with the rest of Survivor’s abilities, he is rather unbalanced in terms of Cooldown duration, some should be increased

I’m having an extremely hard time understanding what you’re trying to say here.

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Comparing survivor with a ranged class like Mage, survivor has more mobility and more damage.

Compared to a meele control class like a rogue, survivor has more damage and pretty much the same resources as a rogue to stay alive; survivor dmg, control and survivability tool kit is huge.

Survivor can do the job of a mage and a rogue alone.

Survival dmg is pretty comparable to fire/frost.

Rogue defensives are 1000x better then survival.


Direct nerfs to their mana/biggest heals? Yeah, pretty sure those changes will be felt. But by all means, if you feel they need more nerfs, you have my blessing to contact Blizzard.

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Doesn’t matter to me, I’m checking out on the game anyways. The overtuned mana issue is likely 100% that new set bonus, but we already had pretty solid mana before that, so our mana pool still won’t be too bad. Considering how many buffs we had gotten, the nerfs are relatively minor. The enveloping mist one will probably be the biggest hit, but that’s such a juiced up spell that 10% off of it will probably be fine.

The small amount of tweaks it seems to take to throw one healer on top seems relatively minor, so maybe this will balance out MW. Either way MW is just a really good damp healer due to output.

survival pumps