didnt know pigs could be Demon Hunters…
grabs nearest DH hunter like a Kyrian taxi ascendant “You there, you shall join The Wild Hunt now!”
Don’t worry hunters!
We’re not done taking from Warlocks yet.
Then whayt, Rogues and there stuff? ughh…
I second this. I would much rather steal Chaos Bolt and the succubus than tame some lame boars.
Demon Hunters have no heart.
third DH spec is ranged bow build confirmed.
hunters about to lose their identity , too
Sorry…I started a heart collection…looked like fun…
Well yeah it’s all just fel in here.
That’s true. I sneak my way into everyone’s heart. Some people more than others, and their willing to pay that premium.
This is why you’ve been asking for a bunch of elaborate details on my abilities! I just thought you had weird pillow talk!
You vixen!
You should know by now I always have an ulterior motive.
Return the Night Elves iconic Warglaives. It’s not yours! Then I will believe it.
I don’t have or want those. Keep your Illidan cosplay toys to yourself.
I think he is talking about the Moonglaves wielded in lore by the Sentinels and Priestesses of the Moon, that is also present in the Icon of the Night Elf people.
For some reason the WoW Devs decided that only the criminals and exiles of the Night Elf people should be allowed to wield their traditional weapon and symbol.
Ehh they have to die to summon it. I’m fine with making the meta watch your demon hunters die so they can actually do damage.
/Braveheart music playing in the background
They can take our fel energy but they cannot take our pets!
hands you a scythe that can raise the dead but only in Ardenweald Just don’t let Grim catch you with it…
Our conquest cannot be stopped. One day we’ll be given our long-awaited third spec; Demonology Demon Hunter.
And then we will be the ones lugging demon slaves around as pets.