Dear Forum People

Oh, separate binds.
Raging blow, raging blow plus emote, then raging blow plus bloodrage.
300+ emotes per game would definitely get my knees broken.

My healer said that it’s probably because I wasn’t flagging people, so I’ll try that on my next char (worgen with glasses).


Okay don’t make me get the fbi involved


I’m just trying to go fast.

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you’re a monster
add /train to charge

Worgen and vulpera will rule the days to come!


I went void elf and am REALLY enjoying the racial ability. I was vulpera priest/mw in BFA. really enjoyed the vial thing.

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I initially thought it would be a good place to learn things about arena. Now it’s just someplace to kill time, and throw feces with the rest of the monkeys.

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I started in legion when they changed the gearing system. Then it kinda devolved into a deep endless pit of despair lol

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I feel the only way you learn is being coached by better players (could be friends). VOD Review. Streamers with proper UI and showing of what rotation they use on normal speed. Practice. Spec Specific or Class PVP Discords (rare this is too helpful). Drustvar to see proper gearing and talent usage of top 100 of the class and go from there.

Wow Forums most people here are not even remotely close to even the BFA Glad+

I had a Vulpera Hunter but Nelf is more fun in PVP so I’m staying that!

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Welcome to the best race. Now all of the ridiculous mogs can be yours!


Oh hello! What does OwO mean? Are you sending me code? Are you safe?

I just copy builds and queue. I assume I’ll get better little by little each season. lol

Idk, I don’t think it’s fair to write off the community here if someone needed help. I asked questions several different times in bfa and was always met with high rated players that genuinely tried to help me and did. I know it’s littered with trolls and low rated people as well, but when someone needs help I think the higher rated regulars always seem to put in effort to respond.

Lol you can get bad habits this way… I wish there were more how to vids out there for wow. I got a lot better at rocket as there’s a big YouTube collection of vids with explanations on mechanics.

I’d love someone to slap me on my positioning lol… Like when to line and when to come out for shears/purges. Sometimes I feel like I do something clutch and then try to repeat and feel like I cost the game the next lol.

Ehhhhhh it can be pretty hit or miss lol… The troll threads get way more responses. People usually prefer to flame dozer or something lol

If you want help you should not ask PVP forum but instead class discord/forum. Even if its arena questions you better be told by someone who plays your spec versus just assumes.

Best way to get help here is to post your question and reply with a terrible answer on an alt.

People will blow up the thread to give you the correct answers. :joy:

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In bfa I played pally a little bit and rethum and bramot I think it was helped answer any ret question I had. Vindi and a few other high rated hpals helped tremendously when I started playing hpal. I’m sure class discords are great and helpful, but Idk, I just don’t think its fair to write off the arena forums as a place to not ask questions.

Check pvp isn’t difficult either if someone you don’t recognize on here starts giving advice.

Yea I’m not saying it’s bad advice always but generally the other avenues even in game are way more successful.

Necroing this because I randomly remembered you roasting me and I did finally complete Dreadnaught on 3/22/23. Phew. Moon Guard is expensive.

Congratulations. :dracthyr_love_animated: It’s annoying how incomplete sets don’t show in “Sets”.

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