Dear Devs, Crowd Control is [Ironically] Out of Control

That is an awfully long way to say you’re bad.

Two competent healers will break a game wide open if the dps isn’t effectively CCing the crap out of them, because you can’t burst one without the other topping him up.
Those are the games were one team doesn’t get a single kill. The CC comes out of the necessity of not having every engagement be 5+ minutes until heals goes oom

That is an awfully long way to say you’re bad.

Honey, this game has been around for over 20 years, get a new insult - I expected more from trolls in 2025, LOL.


I want to see the toons the devs play. I want to see how many bgs they play. When was the last time they played a bg?

Devs should be required to play 5 hours of bg every week every month. And on a ‘normal geared’ toon not your god mode dev toon.

the amount of non stop slows, roots, CC, stuns, is beyond stupid.

Have you played a bg like ever? Healers get CC’d non stop in BG very very often.

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and i love how OP DPS can come in , blade storm you or whatever, and you last ditch try to CC them so you can breath for .5 seconds. what do you see? “Immune”


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Ranged DPS is sooo much worse in terms of oppressive CC good luck even connecting with a mage or having up time on a lock or spriest the CC that wizards have has broken BG’s its miserable to play melee in BG’s atm if your not a feral druid who can just shift out of snares and roots

You’re a death knight. If you can’t sit on either of those two classes then I don’t know what to tell you.

I have more than 1 toon my dude but also maGe has 3 times as many tools to get away as i do lol

I understand that but I’m just saying you have the tools to deal with this on your dk. There is no better peeler class in the game.

I get that PVP healing cannot be overpowered. As a healer, if I had to choose between being constantly stunned, silenced, etc, and having my healing nerfed such that I had to be much more reactive and situalationally aware, I’d choose the latter every time.

As it is now, though? I don’t play my healer much any more.

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grip and chains are good but DK as a whole is a dead class since nerfs this season spriest and locks jst kill me instantly with there insanely over tunes dmg while sitting in a million stuns and fears

I actually know a few players that have quit healing because of the rampant crowd control.

I bet my new PC the devs don’t read you until Midnight.

I’ve done 68 honor levels in the last two months, mostly in random battlegrounds.

Yes, healers get CC’d non stop very often. It’s the occasional game where they DON’T get CCd very often that made me realize why it’s a thing. Those are a sizable portion of the games that end up with one team in the graveyard getting farmed. (edit - along with premades and games where one side has newbie healers, but those are different issues) I’ve been on both ends of it.

The other night I was in Deepwind Gorge. Me and two healers went to shrine off the start. We managed to cap before they put on the pressure, and then we spun over half their team for several minutes while the team rolled them over 12v6 and we eventually secured a five cap. The other team wasn’t competent, but that was a direct result of not using CC. We literally have to do it to kill anything.

They need to scale back everything - healing, CC, damage.

This is my attitude as well. I stopped playing my healer because it was just not fun being cannon fodder. Which is funny because I decided to get my purples on here after months of realizing the devs truly do not care.

Meanwhile, when I play on my DPS? I have an absolute blast. Because it’s so obvious how biased the game is towards DPS now.

Except… What is the #1 complaint?

“Where are all the healers?”

I dunno, 3 warriors, 5 rogues, and 7 hunters… ask the product managers and devs - they seem to enjoy strangling the joy out of healing.