No changes.
You’re playing a 15 year old game
No changes.
You’re playing a 15 year old game
My advice to you is to stop looking at what other classes are doing and focus on your own hunter, you are never going to be the best dps in the raid but you can sometimes hit the top 5 because melees particularly warriors are extremely prone to getting smashed because they have no aggro dumps and wear leather/mail and generally low stamina budget pieces. There must always be a few hunters in the raid, if you are the best hunter on the server then you will always have a spot, right now there are hunters able to do 800+ dps on every fight, not only is that good enough for all content but it’d probably be higher dps than most guild’s top warrior
Who are these hunters and what do I need to do on my hunter to emulate them?
no changes
Questions from that.
Please explain these 3 things to me.
World buffs are effectively removed in tbc
Hunters falling off is a part of this version of the game. No changes.
Because buffs that give AP only gave Melee AP in vanilla. There was now a AP flask, if it only gave melee AP it would be silly.
Do you even read patch notes man?
So you don’t have any evidence and ran your mouth and got called out for it and now look really silly. Nice.
…are you dumb
https ://
theres the patch with the first change to AP buffs.
It was not a bug.
You can read the buff aura or google it…but I doubt a smooth brain like yourself will so here
`Effect Apply Aura: Mod Melee Attack Power’
https ://
stay in retail.
technically no
but in practice yes
Link the part of the notes that proves your argument. The rest of that reply is just smoke and childish insults.
Use your eyes and scroll you lazy neet. I did all the work for you already.
I accept your admission of defeat. TY for playing.
I accept that you are a nonfactor casual with no arguement or experience in the game to justify your opinion.
Have fun in LFR
Hunters in classic were never about their dps. It’s about the utility.
That said, I wanna see these hunters pulling 800 dps… Link with logs please. As it’s entirely possible that in order to do this they are exploiting a bug, or it’s an aoe lolz fest with double explosive trap and the mobs being dead in 3-4 seconds.
But if 800 single target dps is possible I want to know how. I’ve been a hunter for 15+ years, im always looking to improve.
AP buffs not effecting RAP wasn’t a bug, that much is for sure.
It was more of an oversight that didn’t get changed until TBC. That said they shouldn’t be changed. Hunters need to learn to bring their utility over their damage.
Thanks for backing me up on the Buff issue.
Utility is boring. Give them damage.
There are no hunters doing 800 DPS on every fight, even with full world buffs and critting on 80% of your attacks (which a guildie did last BWL) you still only hit 700 DPS. She doesn’t have the Xbow, but the bow alone does not add 100 DPS, she probably would have had 750.
That’s with her getting 80% crit due to extreme luck on a less than 1 min fight…
Razorgore 1182 dps
vael: 1248
brood: 938
firemaw: 803
ebonroc: 968
flamegore: 959
chromaggus: 746
nef: 968
you have to take into consideration fight lengths vs rapid fire/devilsaur eye, i have a 17 second razorgore with 866 dps where i crit <50% of my shots with a rhok, your fastest razor is 31 seconds, there is an 11 second razor out there, hunters in your guild can’t be as competitive as a hunter who has rapid fire 100% of the fight