Dear Blizz Writers: Don't insult us

I think we all can agree that the Horde burning Teldrassil / the war etc and the events that followed up to the way it was wrapped up was poor story telling. I mean the Alliance didn’t really get the amount of revenge or justice they craved (Though through their efforts of trying to do so, managed to cheese off the Zandalari thanks to Jaina Murdermoore).

Honestly, I’d rather just have an event that’s apocalyptical - but moments beforehand we see the titan Aman’Thul appear in the sky and clap his hands, of which the light envelops our screens (Have that as the cinematic).

Then at the start of the next expansion everyone’s toons wake up in a titanlike prison-shell like the Demon Hunters did, and find the world as we knew it along with the Alliance & Horde is no more (In-game timeskip many many years in the future), and there there are now two different prime power factions, of which the players have to choose which side they’ll join.

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maybe in that regard Sylvanas has a point.

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I think the Maw sets up a good reason why the writing staff thinks the Alliance and Horde could go back to working together despite all the bad blood - there ar just some cases where we as players (and occasionally narratively) will step in and help each other against a worse third party.

There have been a lot of times where I’d be fighting a rare and on the verge of losing and an Orange name tag would come up and help finish them off. Likewise there were times I’d see a low health Orange name tag running away from a fight they were obviously on the verge of losing and I’d taunt them off of them so they could get away.

Granted, if I were in warmode I’d be killing them so I could steal the tag, but you get the idea. Generally speaking people help other people, and the Horde and Alliance for all their sins against one another are still composed of people. Some aren’t particularly nice people, and maybe they’ll laugh at you while you die instead of helping out, but that’s just something you find out when the metal meets the meat.

I do think it’s stupid for the Horde and Alliance to work together in an official capacity, but unofficially I could see them cooperating.

What is there to say? The horde led by a bunch of weak mewling milksops that grew up on false tales of the “Old” Horde’s honor and Thrall’s idealistic fantasies.

Meanwhile the alliance is led by a boy king who undercuts his allies at every turn. I wonder if Baine busts out his alliance tabard when he secretly meets with Anduin.


Uhhh I don’t believe anyone in the horde talked about the original horde having honor, or do you mean thralls horde? Cause that one was definitely more honorable and better then the old horde and Syls horde.

Considering how the game and story has limped on its destruction would be for the benefit of everyone at this point.