Dear Bliz, I only pvp, i no likey pve

I mean, a few hours of Torghast then an afternoon of Rifting farming is all you need.

The latter is optional, too.

Guess you’re happy that you missed legion, lvl 110, ~6.3 million HP on my priest, but then again sounds like you would have enjoyed the legion stat template PvP system (you have x stats determined by spec, increased by 1% per 10 ilvls over 800 iirc)

Didn’t PvE gearing often get flamed for being too slow compared to PvP gear in SL S1?

Also, this may be a strange question, but do you have a covenant selected? It’s not showing 1 on the armory, and your renown with your covenant will grant you access to increased unranked pvp ilvls (cap of 229 pvp ilvl at renown 59)

Elite, boosted, and rated players needing gear advantage in normal and epic BG’s?

That’s soft, and for the weak.

GW2 sPVP scene is difficult at first to slide in to, but not terrible. All about finding the right buildset and fav classes to finish Ascension. After that, though, unless you’re really into leaderboards there’s absolutely no reason to play.

World vs. World got a bit of an overhaul recently though, hopefully when End of Dragons is released it becomes more popular again.

I still <3 GW2, but personally have all the legendaries I really love, finished the return event & skyscale, just kinda hanging around waiting for the expansion.

Not much to do until then, and any players who’ve been around awhile prolly feel the same.

The meta achievement system is a bit confusing at first for sure tho, for any newer player.

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Havent got that far, i think i only cleared 2 zones in sl before i hit 60 and went right to pvp.
The over whelming thought of having to do all the quests in sl to get the cov quest. 57-60 i pvpd lvld.

Surprised the ppl over hyping ff14 not here talking about how great their pvp is



I agree with you this is the worst pvp iteration ever.

Leave PVP is Better

Renown is really non issue you can knock out a daily calling in wait for que you also get renown from pvp. It’s random but besides one calling and 2 wb you be capped in no time.

Yep, PVP is screwed for now. Below 60 there are metas that dominate. Hit 60 are no matter the class you are a punk.

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Imagine complaining about questing and leveling in an mmo. Maybe this ain’t the game for you, chief.

You could take that stance on literally any suggestion. Casual pvp is actually quite a major category. It should be well designed for casual players.

Besides, does anyone really believe that the sheer amount of busy work in this expansion was a good thing other then blizzard?

The honor gear was an absolute nightmare that virtually no one bothered to farm.


I have no problem lvling a char, the issue is when you hit max lvl, and still have to rely on pve to pvp.

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You don’t need to raid

You don’t need to do dungeons

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WoW has always been a PvE game with some PvP, just saying.

I only level through BG
I only level covenant through BG/Arena

I have 7 60

Im Duelist

I enjoy the game and I don’t need any kind of childish PvE Content.

The only PvE I need to do is the Tower to get a 262 legendary , witch is really boring but mandatory for PvP.


You are doubly shooting yourself in the foot for pvp then, since you are missing your covenant abilities

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LOL imagine playing WoW for the pvp. :flushed:

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Imagine hiding behind a cla*sic character.

U mad bro?

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