Deadly VS Wound Poison?

Hey all, just wondering, for assa rogue as of 9.1.5,what is the general thought on which poison is better for 2’s, deadly vs wound poison. is one simply greater than the other or is one better for certain matchups? just general advice would be great. Im currently using deadly i havent really ever used wound. thanks

Is PvP still a thing?

I always use wound poison for PvP unless I have a reason not to.

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Every class/spec has self heal in one fomr or another.
Stay with Wound


Most people run Deadly every game these days.

There are situations where Wound might still be preferable against healers that don’t have a poison dispel, but in general, since Wound doesn’t stack with Hemotoxin, the extra pressure Deadly provides during Shiv windows is too good to pass up.


Deadly poison and crippling. The reason is deadly will do a lot more damage and the new talent “hemotoxin” reduces healing by a ridiculous 40%. So you get more damage and resuced healing with deadly poison. Technically you could run wound as well but it’s less damage and i don’t think wound and hemotoxin stack so it’s kind of a waste