Deadly Momentum - Resto Druid

Let’s talk about the Deadly Momentum corruption effect for a sec. This corruption effect seems amazing to me, yet in just about every guide, it’s listed as being a mediocre corruption effect at best. Why?

You have % stat boost corruption effects, which are nice, but to really get the most out of them, you already need to have a ton of that stat.

You have the stat proc corruption effects, which are also nice, but you are usually looking at ~33% uptime. That’s not terrible, but that obviously means it’s not doing anything for you ~66% of the time…

Then you have Deadly Momentum. This stacks EVERY time you crit, and stacks up to 5. For a Resto Druid, EVERY single tick of EVERY single HoT has a chance to crit. This means that the Deadly Momentum buff stacks quickly and basically stays perma-stacked at 5 for the entire fight.

A TON of Crit. Nearly 100% uptime. NOT reliant on you already having a ton of crit in order to get the most out of it.

I crunched the real-world numbers from my last log and it showed average stack of 4.6 over the course of the entire encounter. This seems amazing to me.

What am I missing?

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I looked at deadly momentum for a long time and considered it. What it ultimately comes down to is the corruption per crit trade off here.

You can stack more static stat corruptions than you can deadly momentum’s while staying at a reasonsbake corruption,

Eventually with enough corruption resist, deadly momentum could easily pull ahead. But at the current level of corruption resist you can only have a few if these, whereas you can almost fully outfit yourself with a static stat instead.

Edit: for me it also came down to - I don’t like “chances” when it comes to healing. And crit is always a “chance.” So I prefer stats that are guaranteed to have the same consistent effect. I’m sure crit is fine in total HPS but for me in those clutch moments if someone is going to live with a crit or die without one, I’d rather tAke the middle road with haste/vers. But I do think crit is good- it’s just not for me.

TLDR: I think DM is great and would pull ahead with more corruption resist.

I use a similar healing strategy. Single target burst healing.

Critical Strike is very attractive for Tank healing if you can keep up with all the healing over time effects. Grove Trending Azerite trait provides a 9 second heal, Germination adds another 15 second Rejuvenation heal, Life-Binders Invocation can crit for 20k and activates very often, Bracing Chill Azerite trait provides very good healing output because it activates from a heal over time effect. If you’re rolling Rejuvenations on all group members, Bracing Chill will bounce around automatically.

The burst healing potential from stacking critical strike and HOTs is actually very similar to how Feral DPS works.

I don’t like Haste very much. I can see it being very useful for Druids who spam Regrowth though. I personally don’t like Raid wide healing. I’ll leave that to Priests. They just obliterate everyone on raid wide raw healing output as long as they get my Innervates. :slight_smile:

Druids are amazing tank healers if specced correctly and if thier role in the raid is clearly defined.