Dead Post here

Still need a ranged Deeeeepers

I have a cofession. One time i sat there and watch K-Pop music video for 2 hours.

Holy Paladin and a Warlock?

Both of us are Horde but looking to go alliance, I was GM of CE weekday guild, and can no longer raid weekendays. BNET is rize#11124

Lets kill Zul together!

lol zul so ez ded

Zul was moisted

Iā€™d be interested in joining, basically had to stop playing 4 months ago because my work schedule changed and have been looking for a weekend guild ever sinceā€¦

Chicken is kill

Nooo Chicken we need you

My body is ready for the next raid.

Late night workouts

Late night workouts are the bomb.

Bop itā€¦

Spin itā€¦

Twist itā€¦

This is a bump.

Is it a bump?

It is a bump

That is a bump

Rice is to short to post. need 10 characters.