Dead Post here

This forum is possibily the worse thing that have ever happen in the history of the world.

I wouldn’t say the worst

Yeah, bald gnomes are probably higher up on that list.

Bald gnomes are the worst!

Worse than Worgen helmet clipping?

Now that is another issue. Those Worgen helmets be whack!

Worgens are the play tbh

Thanks for making my druid a Worgen Glits appreciate it.

need ranged so i can give you the business

Need Ranged to give Glitty the business

Glitty’s business is baking.

Baking that cheeks?

Wait, what are we baking?

Medium rare chicken.

yum chicken


Ox always killing the theme

He sure did. Came in here talking about Bumpitoooos

Medium rare baked chicken? Samonella.

Lets go, someone join me on the ranged dps.