My guild master left, so I took over the guild. I requited a person who said they would revive the Guild if I let them be Guild Master. Silly me I did. They ran the guild and it grew but they left 2 years ago. Maybe 5 members who were last on months ago. The person made it so I cannot take the Guild back! Is there a way to get around that and take the Guild Back?
No. Only someone who is of an officer rank can take the guild from an inactive guild leader. I had a guild a few years back that I’d created, I had about half a million gold in the bank, full tabs of mats and rare transmogs, etc. The guild had gone inactive and only myself and one of my arena partners were still active, the guild was basically a big bank for our characters and the only other members were our alts. So I removed my main and promoted my buddy to GM and didn’t really think much of it so I wasn’t in a rush to promote one of my alts to officer rank. Long story short, my buddy stopped playing WoW. Contacted Blizz and they basically said “tough luck”, potentially millions of gold just sitting there in a guild that the GM of will never log back onto lol
Learned the hard way not to give GM to another player under any circumstances.
Blizz needs to fix this with the Guilds. I can’t do anything with the Bank or promote anyone. The person was vindictive and even locked me out of most of the Bank tabs too. Basically it’s just me left.
Yea i have the same problem with a bout 5 of my guilds atm. each guild master and officer or “top 4 ranks” as Blizzard has put it are all 1 year + inactive or have 0 intentions of returning to the game not even to pass leadership. Before they would just take a ticket and ask for proof (basically make you do the investigation work) then they would just pass you lead. Seems they won’t care unless there is a big uproar about it.
Sad really…