DCd saying sub ended when i have time?

Ingenious way to make people “sub again”

Go Blizz! Y’all crafty!

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People in my guild are compalining about it too.
Didn’t happen to me.


Just as i typed that, I tabbed back into WoW, and I’m kicked.



Thats weird , usually people are posting here that say they ARENT subbed… but still playing.


I kid, i kid!

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Also, ever since logging back in I noticed that some settings have changed.

Such as when I complete a quest I get blue pop-up text telling me reputation increases too. I’ve never had that sort of text enabled.

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Right in the middle of the last push week. This is unreal!

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I’ll add this here for those that don’t look into the CS forums.


Happened yesterday for some people. Seems whatever problem they were having still isn’t fixed…probably just taped.

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Happened to me about ten minutes ago

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Yup. Just happened on all three of my accounts. They all have 4+ months of game time left. /sigh

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I guess some gremlins got loose in the server room again.


They should be posting that at log in as well being at least 2 days if this happening

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Yeah, in the middle of a Torghast run, came back to a dead toon.
My renewal date is today, and it’s active.

I hope they fix it soon.


My disconnect happened right aftering being jumped by a 60 rogue just a few minutes after logging in while leveling in Bastion on a warrior…I thought it was divine intervention or something :rofl:

I logged back in alive,