Yeah, couple clusters of realms down. Can’t wait to log back in to being dead since I was in combat. XD
Looks like a bored, low-life hacker-wannabe script-kiddie decided to “prove his/her might” by flexing their “haxx0r skillz”.
Kicked out of Blackwater Raiders.
First time playing since Tuesday…now I have to find something ‘out there’ to do.
me too bruh, just took two scoops of preworkout too
Good to see Im not alone. Was in TW dungeon and watched 2 players dc and die and then I was just standing there w/o game progressing on. Tried to logon 3x w/o success. Hey how u all doing lol
All Classic servers seem to be down too. At least Westfall is.
Yup just crashed - Area 52
I am also down on Arygos.
Whelp, lunchtime I guess
This is also happening on Diablo servers.
Doesn’t make any difference though, if I can’t get on I’ll go play something else.
Kel’thuzad down too
Same here.
Same thing here.
me too first time since tuesday
Posted on wrong character.
I’ll say it again… I hate this game. I was about to start Alleria on a 5 mask and this garbage happens. (wasted 30+ mins gathering all the odd crystals for another disconnect.) Good thing I can go grind more boring dailies to get more vessel currency.
Trollbane down. If its a DDoS attack cant blame blizzard for it but im sure they are working on it
same i’m glad it wasn’t just me
Yep, down as well