Dazing buffed

So in 8.2 absorb effects no longer prevents being dazed. I can’t wait for the rage to flow.

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It already has, there’s a huge thread about it :woman_shrugging:

And I mean…breaking old stuff to make new toys seem cooler is pretty lame imo

Didn’t see the thread, where is it? I need some salt.

Didn’t they recently say that this was was unintended and they are looking into it on the test server?

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Almost thought it had been deleted for a second

Would be a welcome surprise

Found it linked to the same wowhead thread that started this.


Damn. The salt farming would have been fun.

I’ve never understood how so many people have such difficulty avoiding being dazed.

In a world where we have a BiS trait that has a constant absorb on you, I wouldn’t really mind if they really did do this, but apparently it’s not intended.

Huh, guess that’s why the old thread died out a bit

Because they were using shields to avoid being dazed. I mean, even you have at least one item with Resounding Protection to help out.

This should be the end of this. Blue post in the other thread states the change was not intended and will be reverted with the next large patch.

I don’t have it for avoiding dazed. I have it for reducing damage in m+.

Confirmed to be a bug.

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