Daytime and/or weekend raid

Good evening,

Hey guys I work the late night shift on the East coast so I’m looking for a day time raid guild to join. I am available every day of the week so I’m looking for a serious guild. With that said I understand my account isn’t as experienced as most of y’all that play the game so it’s been pretty hard for me to find a guild to play with. I take the game as serious as the next but I just need the chance to play. I was a BM hunter main in BFA but I’m looking to main frost mage during SL. Hoping to hear from some of you soon. Thanks!!

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Hey Näsh! Our guild is seeking a mage in a few groups still. That might fit your schedule and meet your expectations in a raiding guild. Forum post and contact info is in the post. I hope to hear from ya! have a great day!

Awesome!!! I sent you a request on discord

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Hey there Näsh!

If you are still looking for a day time raid group and are open to transfering to Horde, consider checking us out!

Project Cloverfield (Mal’ganis Server) is expanding with a new daytime Heroic/AOTC raiding group at 11AM Server time / 12PM Eastern Time. We are currently looking for all roles for players who enjoy raiding, mythic+, PvP, and more.

You can see more information about our guild at our forum post: [H] [Mal'Ganis] <Project Cloverfield> LF Daytime/Morning Raiders for SL (11 AM CST/ST Wed)

Feel free to reach out if you are interested or have any questions!
Battlenet: Noelzy#11138
Discord: Noel#0993

Hi Nash.

Satire is a newly formed SL raiding guild on Connected Bonechewer looking to progress up through Mythic. We raid Friday/Saturday 9pm - 12 am CST. With the limited time, we try to take raiding seriously but keeping a fun atmosphere.

I had taken a hiatus for 11 years after raiding pretty heavily through TBC, WOTLK, and Cata. I did join a hardcore guild but that wasn’t for me so I switched to semi-hardcore.

If you are interested, please contact me via at Gingivits#11827 or on discord at pdubbs34#8341.

Good luck finding the guild for you!