Dawnbreaker is the worst Dungeon in WoW History

Memories of entering Oculus as a random, everyone phases in, 1 by 1 everyone leaves. lol

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The days when before you even got started in a dungeon, players joining would insta leave.

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How to tell the world you’ve never done The Oculus.

i hate it because i cant see my own icon on the map. gotta guess where the hell i am lol


Technically you don’t, chances are you /left before it even got started. Though in my case, I enjoyed that dungeon and flying around on the dragon. Never really thought it was all that bad.

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Every time I see posts like this I wonder if I’m the only person in the entire world who actually liked the Occulus dungeon. :sweat_smile:

Freaking despised that one.

Dawnbreaker is cool but it should have been a main story event that you can do in a group, similar to the battle of the undercity in BFA, not a standard repeatable dungeon. It makes no sense for M+.

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Absolutely did occulus. Been playing since 2006. Maybe I just dont remember it that well, but certainly did it.

Since most of the rooftops have no flat spots to land on, I found it easier to switch flying styles. You just hover there waiting for the tank to commit to something lol. Not awful once you turn off dragonriding for the ground phase.

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I ran it like 3 times on follower dungeon. It was very confusing. The ship to ship part messed with me and then the follow and pick up the orbs while flying was a bit much.

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They need to look at the ship models cause it’s possible to land below the decks and be stuck there until you die or teleport out.

But then you’re going to lose time in flying speed on M+. It creates annoying incentives.

Ugh, if you don’t remember it well, you didn’t do it. lol

It was so bad they had to add extra loot to the final boss to get people to do it.

I agree, on heroic it’s just annoying enough to piss you off

My group died at least ten times in that dungeon. I thought going in blind was a good idea as to not spoil the story. No. No it wasn’t a good idea. The healer who had already done the dungeon was trying to explain the fights but didn’t really understand it themselves.

Like every dungeon that isn’t a copy paste from vanilla, you just have to learn it

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I did it blind, and it took maybe 5-10 minutes more than other dungeons because we were working out what to do. Ain’t even close to the worst dungeons.

I swear, a portion of the playerbase will only be happy if dungeons are reduced to one long, featureless, untextured gray hallway, with enemies that don’t do anything requiring interrupts or stuns.


The dungeon is cool thematically but i think it would be better if the ships weren’t moving around so much, it’s too buggy. Taking off and landing for the first boss’ purple explosion i’ve clipped through the floor and gotten stuck in the ship’s interior twice, and then you can’t escape the following explosion. That would be awful for Mythic.

Open the map, find the 3 spots where the lieutenants are and go to there. 1 is at the house, 1 in the cathedral, 1 where the renown master would be. The boss remains buffed till you kill all 3. I typically go house or cathedral first depending on where the boss currently is at in the patrol.