Dave Kosak is leaving Blizzard

Yeah I get it, but still sucks seeing people progressing in endgame while you are left behind etc.

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I’m just glad there’s no bottleneck quest in the intro this time looks at MoP Alliance


Or that one quest on the Horde side where Lorewalker Cho talks about our ancestors. We literally had to wait in line and take turns cause it would only let one person do it at a time.


I’ve really kind of wished that the talent behind Blizzard leaves and builds something better. This company has rot that can’t be addressed at this point. Metzen was the soul of the company and the game design team was the body.

It simply isn’t the company of Brood War and Diablo any more.

It is driven by microtransactions and hamster wheel drivel. After throwing hundreds of millions in revenue at the company, they still can’t hire a decent writer. The strongest point of the company is their art design team, their Starcraft design team, and whoever they contract to make their cinematics. They hire cotton candy hairs to write their books, which poisons the plot and weakens the integrity of their fiction.

Even with a Hollywood budget, they were unable to make a movie that was tolerable to a lowest common denominator market that sponges up the latest Marvel crisis flick due to an ungodly screenplay worthy of Uwe Boll.

They have decided that rather than strengthening their core gameplay design, they wanted to release Classic wholesale as a revenue grab on the private server market while they consistently come out with schizophrenic new gameplay systems like Covenants and Azerite on live. They have failed to create measured changes to the gameplay design and they have failed to listen to their audience about what systems work for them.

They are the company that shovels out games like Overwatch to the Twitch stream market and mobile games like Hearthstone which has had too much success for its own good.

They simply don’t make seminal, classic, genre defining games any more. For a while, they were spitting them out one after the other. The best thing they’ve done since Warcraft 3 (which they recently molested, much to my disgust) was Starcraft 2. They managed to restrain their increasingly erratic tendencies to the point where Starcraft 2 was released with much fanfare to a starving audience and received the support that it required for the competitive scene.

It is not surprising that people are taking their resumes and going elsewhere, but I doubt they will meet with much success. The market is driven by Activision-Blizzard, like it or not. There are spaces for independent creators, but they have become so glutted that their chance of being successful with their own standalones and startups has diminished year-after-year.


There’s nothing wrong with them. It’s just that Blizzard writers aren’t good enough to pull them off successfully nor intelligent enough to understand what Martin was going for in said plot elements.


Plot twists just cause and killing off characters for the sake of drama?

Pretty sure Blizzards been doing that a lot lately.

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i almost bit.

You know that the writers are given required story beats and just write the outline they’re given, right? They don’t hire authors to write the book the author wants, they hire authors to write the book the studio wants.

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