Data-mined Hero Talents for Shaman arent good, please talk to us

We wouldn’t want to spoil you guys with all that attention.

I don’t think it is really fair or realistic on your part to want Blizzard to communicate with you about stuff they’ve not even announced.
Blizzard shouldn’t have to deal with data-mining theories especially when it could be dated.

Shamans haven’t been neglected for a long time.
Y’all had an amazing class hall in Legion, Elemental was 1-shotting people in BFA. Enhancement Shaman has been completely reworked. Shaman has one of the most diverse talent trees of any class.

I wish you all the best


Last I remember, there was two people on the whole of class design, and one of those quit when he realized it was too much work for two people.

Rogue and shaman are the only class with one set of hero talents revealed, and I don’t get why. If you’re touting it as an expansion feature, shouldn’t it be out for testing expediently?

This is phase one, of the semi-open to the public, non-NDA Alpha. Like they’ve not even had a second patch for the Alpha go live yet.

There is still a LOT of behind the scenes development and testing to go on.

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For Dragonflight, the Shaman tree received 2 iterations (1 beta, 1 10.1) and that’s it. I am pretty sure some specs are on their 6th now lol.

Totemic from the Resto perspective include not only a main stat amp but also includes:

  • Changing our Healing Rain into a totem which would be a serious improvement on QoL
  • Sepulcher’s Resto Tier Set (Dropping CBT/HST does a chain heal) // Also noted something else may trigger this
  • A new weapon imbue for Resto which gives shields (DR is always good)
  • A passive chance to summon a surge totem that does even more Chain Heals (this is almost like the BFA essence that summoned little Healing Tide Totems.)

And that doesnt include 3 additional talents that havent even been fleshed out.

Now that im typing this out Totemic for Resto is actually quite cooked LOL.

So far resto is great. Enhancement isnt an the move to MORE totems isnt good. Nevermind that it doesnt seem like the main Shaman weaknesses are being addressed.

Healing rain as a totem worries me - just fix healing rain

Seating Totem coming back an expansion or two after it was removed worries me.


Its tied to Lava Lash as a passive increase of dmg. You dont really do anything out of normal rotation.

But the move to more Totems, is only if they pick Totemic, right?

They’re getting another option to use that they share with Elemental Shamans.

What little they’ll say to you directly in alpha and beta they’ll say in the alpha/beta forum. It will usually just be occasional blue posts in each class thread with some updates and minimal if any direct interaction.

  1. Datamined
  2. You are not entitled to an explanation. Especially for something still in flux.

Oh god no!

Does this mean im jot allowed to ask?

If not about this, what about Shaman in general?


I’m thinking the same thing. An instant cast healing rain totem would be awesome as long as it’s a targetted spell. One of those notes also said chain lightning would be turned into a totem too.

Maybe this is because i mostly focus PVP but it feels like totems are an outdated system that doesnt reflect current trends in mobility or dungeon design.

One of the new totems last 60 seconds - what for? No ones going to be in range for 60 seconds.

This response hinges on your perception of totems, i guess but: this read to me like “who cares if one option is bad, you have another”

I’m actually sort of happy that shaman are getting their trees last. During DF beta shaman got their trees first. Everyone talked about how great the shaman class tree was and blizz never touched it again. Now it’s one of the worst class trees. Maybe waiting to finish cooking the trees until post go live will give us a better outcome.

Good news! You just got an announcement of an announcement! The remaining two are in development!

I mean… I had hoped so?

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That makes me more worried. I’ve worked with people like this. You go “Hey did you ever write back to that guy?”

“Oh uh, yeah, it’s almost ready to go out.”

“Just ask him if he can be on the panel - it’s an email”

[Insert rambling BS excuse]

Look I don’t enjoy being a jerk, but if they’re going to screw Shaman again, I want to know now and swap mains.

I’ll remind everyone that Wowcrendor’s " World of Warcraft Class Stereotypes (WoW Machinima)" in October of 2011 - and the Shaman stereotype TWELVE YEARS AGO was that the Devs hated us and were going to nerf us again.

It’s not fiction. We have the records.

I agree, nerf DH

Well im glad youre in a position to laugh, but i went from a Resto Shaman to a saltwater Shaman after this Politicians guarantee of “shaman will be good”

Did you see the Nagurra interview? Shaman lack raid buffs. And the Dev goes “well im going to play Shaman so i hope its good.”

How do we keep track of that? When shaman gets nerfed and he pivots?