Darn it, Blizz! Last straw!

The hand would be his though (skin tone, smaller hand, finger positions), it would be more accurate to say Q snapped him there for effect, as the Picard facepalm that was used for the meme is said to be from Deja Q, the episode directly prior to A Matter of Perspective of the Riker facepalm (Though there is plenty of Picard facepalm material: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2e2csDIPMw)

Starts angrily typing

Deletes paragraph

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You’ve obviously never heard of Attack Pattern Riker’s Forearm.

I have not, however I shall look it up forthwith

Someone finally using the obligatory /s, or in this case a variation of it!

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Tuesday is always the maintenance day. Dont worry next year your b-day will be on a Wednesday so no worries

Mate, maintenance is 1 hour. Go take a walk or go shower. Good lord.

OP states they are joking
 but this is how most of you behave.



I hadn’t even gotten out of bed yet when I posted. It was just a joke. It was my birthday and the question was more about the time change with reset. :slight_smile:

Had me in the 1st half not gonna lie

They know Tuesday is maintenance day, they even said they were joking lol

My bad shouldn’t have read diagonally (aka, skipping 90% of it). Oopsie.