Darn it, Blizz! Last straw!

dude maintenance day is always the same day youre just clueless for taking day off on tuesday

Happy Birfday!!! :birthday: :tada: :balloon:

Your present is a bunch of people who don’t read and/or don’t get sarcasm. You’re welcome!


Bazooka Joe gum with the comics was a staple part of the diet.


Can I get a refund?

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Your complete lack of reading comprehension and common sense are not the OP’s problems. Stop pretending they are.


Yeah. Northeast is getting hammered. I always had a major snow or ice storm that day.

I actually take this week off due to my birthday and to adjust to the time change. Makes the change less stressful

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That is a pretty nice way to handle the time change, especially since it coincides with your birthday at the same time

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Exactly. 2 birds and all. Makes the switch much easier to deal with.

Happy Birthday, OP!!! :birthday: :cake: :beers: :gift: :notes: :partying_face: :tada: :piñata: :mirror_ball:

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Like a speed bump following a sign reading “Speed Bumps” this maintenance also caught me by surprise.

Also Happy B-day!

Question thou… does the NE always get hammered when it snows?

(In case anyone doesn’t get the joke: Getting hammered means getting DrUnK!)

Oh and… Happy Birthday! Don’t get Hammered! And if you do… be responsible.


From someone who originally is from NH, not always, but often (I personally don’t drink, but friends did)

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I didn’t say they were.

Man you’re slow, but I guess we’ve established that sarcasm is way above your head based on you taking this post seriously in the first place.

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Got me there.

Thanks bud.

So much so that Picard had to replicate Riker’s forearm and quickly have Chief O’Brien transport it onto him just so he could facepalm this hard.

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8 with DST, 7 without.

I think the time stays the same even with the hour change.

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Nope. Most people just have a response for the thread title copied and ready to paste. Like automated responses from Blizzard.

/pours one out in honor of Rastlin #SlapInTheFace

/moo :cow: