Darkspear Horde Reconnections

Who did you play on Darkspear?

First name I’ve recognized. Szpirglas from Remnant.

Yo Lethi, it’s a shame you’re the only one I recognize from Underground on here. Do you have a mic now or what?

Kosten - Was hunter named kosten

Tworob - Undead - Priest

Was in guilds “Underground” and then “Dauntless”

Undead Priest - Noklec - Unsure guild but we ran MC / BWL / ZG etc…

Twink rogue I ended up maining later was:
Undead Rogue - ceLk

Can’t recall the guild I was in but if you remember me let’s connect!! We have a group of friends starting on Realm: Fairbanks.

Blayzaga - Tauren Shaman with Burnination
I arrived late to the raiding scene, Misy and the rest of the crew were really helpful.
never complained about me raiding as enh :smile:

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have you seen my baseball?

  • Riss :slight_smile:

Ndd undead rogue
and UD mage Sudd in Shoguns
Tell BC i went pally named Dreaz

Korgoth (troll warrior)
Anie (Undead Rogue)
Both in Hammered and played Classic and TBC
Schweex add me on bnet! Junkjuggler#1353

I played as Orquinman (orc hunter) and Celtodru (tauren druid). My brother played as Drakul (undead priest). He also had Zebgoboom (troll hunter). My cousin played as Aurorialis.

davelat ele shamman looking for a hunter named xilinica and beezle two toxic turds lol

Direwolf my man! Its Dyrwolfe my man, Little gnome warrior you hated so much! What Server you rolling so I can come troll you in Gadget again. Lol Hope to see you around. That bounty still good?

Bonzogonzo - Undead Rogue - I was a trolly teenager :stuck_out_tongue:

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Damn man its been forever!! Add me on BNet Drewskatron#1581

I played as Badrang - Tauren Warrior - almost exclusively pvp
Played with Rhazes, Sargannos, Dakula, Rachnar, Mithas…bunch of others from Pandora

Fukin tart, what server are you on so I can avoid it?

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hiya, Hilla here. long time

Hey Shweex, I was the Undead Warlock Rathma, later changed my name to Eternalagony. Got Warlord back in the day when we all PVPed non-stop lol. My battlenet is #Rathma#1281 for anyone who wants to add me from the Remnant days.

Darkspear Horde, Tauren Druid named Goruu. One of the guilds I was in was THIS COULD BE YOU.