Supercutie - Orc Hunter
Looking for my old mates:
Supercutie - Orc Hunter
Looking for my old mates:
No one that I’ve seen on here yet. Though I have quite a few of them as Facebook contacts… I have a hard time remembering who was from DaKine and who was from the Jubei’Thos guild most of us transferred too for BC.
Kidsnstuff, Undead Rogue was in the guild Midnight Reveries.
Omidious, Undead Warlock
Guild name was Burnination
Our leader was Misyrakordi a Tauren Shaman. Other members were Botches, Zamz, Skeletonlady, Bolxoseth and Wetnurse… I played with my cousin Greavious and brother Evanescence.
This guild helped to shape me into the person I am today and I would love to hear from anyone that was part of it.
I played an elemental shaman named Gutgrip in the guilds Shoguns, and Hates You.
Rathien, Tauren Warrior
Guild was Mercy To Midgets
Tuggo - Tauran Druid (Artful Death) vanilla
Daain - Undead Mage - Guildleader (Virtuosos De Mortalitas) TBC
My first character and still my current main to this day,
Krellhim - Tauren Warrior - Dakine
I was Toratora a warrior tank and raided with Rebirth. Then was GM of Reborn in the early days of TBC. I also played Iuz a undead priest that raided a little with Hammered early on. I also had a Orc Rogue Nerullah That I PVP’d on.
Archeous - Undead Mage main character. Guild - Kismet
Secondary characters - Undead Priest Budafudez and Blood Elf Pally Asterope
Bigsav - Remnant and Exalted from Vanilla to Cata I think.
I remember you, pitek also was in midnight reveries
Darclord - Orc Warlock was also in Darken for a time.
I remeber you as well. Myself and Watt (Tauren Warrior also in Midnight Reveries) are going to be running together.
Watt, Tauren Warrior
Guilds Midnight Reveries, Ghost Reveries, and Nox Eternae
HMU if ya remember me and will friend ya on BNET.
I remember you Bigsav, didnt know you were still playing. Watt Tauren Warrior here.
Yo Kidsnstuff, hmu this is Watt Tauren Warrior from MR.
Been playing forever, add me Bigsav#1344 if you want =)
Agoodname, tauren warrior. Was in EoD for the longest, then in shoguns for a while before BC came out
I remember Allmightyjr, ebbe, TJ, Wollam
You all suck and I love you.
Mahanaxar the nelf druid of Icon from alliance side. Some of us are tryna put together a discord for OG Darkspearians.
Ran into Skware from Artful Death on our new server of Thrall (we are horde now).
https : //discord . gg /59prrS7
Remove spaces because reasons.