Darkspear Horde Reconnections

name was Unkut and i was a mage.

I dont remember anyone except there was a rogue named Belugalove or something to that effect. You still alive lass?

I have one reserved on Fairbanks and Whitemane. According to the Discord it seams a lot of old Darkspear horde are going to Whitemane.

Ill go anywhere i can find some friends to play with.

If you have discord you can add me. I sent you what i believe was an invite on battle.net

My discord is treello#5927

I was Francis, troll rogue

Gnarkill - Prot / Furry Warrior

Was in a couple guilds, can’t remember which ones. Started with Crown’s guild in MC and was there when he snagged that ring (some BOE off trash) and the guild drama about it tore the guild apart. I do remember raiding with Lexii primarily and… Countdown (Warrior). Pulled in my coworkers Lingus (UD rogue) and Morgz (Mage) in also

<3 remember both of you guys, tell Crecent Luka says Hey

Hey Bigsav, I don’t know if you recall but I used to pug heal for you and Watt on my pally, Bubbleheal. Either that or I was on my hunter, Gnomicide. Good to see you, it’s been a long time :slight_smile:

Yo, Watt, how’s it going?

I remember playing with you in Shadowtide. I played a troll rogue named Zulaina

Troll Rogue Zulaina
Orc Hunter Daboo

Mercy to Midgets - Shadowtide

Man I miss Undakken, getting yelled at to heal because I wanted to be a shadow priest so bad.

I remember being in the best PVP guild on the server and constantly going toe to toe with Infamous. Also achieving Rank 13 in pvp (F**k that grind btw)

Deadseason - Undead Warlock

Remnant and ArtOfWar

Hoping to reconnect with old Remnant and ArtOfWar guildies Sistersledge, Robbyi, Ghoria, Connact, Despise, Drache, Ironkilt

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Didn’t really get to Darkspear till the tail end of Vanilla when I left Chromaggus Alliance for Darkspear Horde. I doubt anyone remembers me, I was such a troll back then in /2. Anyone seen or heard from Caocao, Lumpia, from Natedagreat?

I would like to pay tribute to Onoranda. A Darkspear OG Forsaken priest who passed 5 years ago due to leukemia. She was an all around good person and she will be missed.

Holyshadow, Undead Priest

Other character was Nosaj, and I played with my friend Nehpets.

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Currently on Fairbanks under Nyze - Orc Warrior.

We might move to Deviate Delight though, a few of us have names reserved already.


Hey, I was in Underground too from the beginning, are we still trying to reform on Whitemane horde or have we moved somewhere else because of queue times?

We still doing Whitemane horde despite the queues?

Whitemane horde?

Hawki!!! Pitek/killar here

Pitek! What server you on?

Skeram. You?