Kamakazie - Undead Mage (Frost4Lyfe) from Classic to Cata
Aelila - Blood Elf Paladin (Forever heals) from BC to Cata
And my whole host of alts.
Member of Hellfyre for almost the whole time but made many other friends. I remember a lot of good times, being mic-less, and a certain someone AFKing on the imp bridge in MC.
That’s a shame, you will always be the real darkspear Sparco to us! “Sparcoh” and “Sparcoknight” are still on my friends list
I’m doing well! I stopped playing in WotLK, so I am really excited about classic again too. Hodge and I have been having fun on the stress tests, Come join us!
Yes that was back in the early MC days. FruityP was our leader along with Shinja. I know we had LCSWarlock, Megabyte, Kujaiden. I am sure there are many others I’m forgetting.
My character name was Contempt, founded Remnant with my brother Despise and a bunch of other great people! (Fleabag, Thashmoney, Carp, Connact, Kigaa and my favourite angry man Drache immediately come to mind)
Hope everyone is enjoying themselves and that classic is awesome!
Contempt!!! I was just talking about you! Hahaha. Hi to you too, Grokos!
Are you two playing again? Havitz is forming a pretty sweet Horde guild on Whitemane with a bunch of Darkspear’s old pvpers. Do you guys already have plans for a server? You should come join us!!!
Ironkilt#1648 , you can add me. My list might be full but I’ll make room, lol
Hi Bigsav! Hi bonzogonzo! Hi Voelkl and wave to all of Exalted. I miss you guys, kittenslayer especially. You guys should come join Havitz, Lethi and I on whitemane! I’ve already convinced Risik. Hi Eternalagony! Hi Russko! HI MISCELLANY (come whitemane, the raid starts when the kids go to bed east coast, it’s a great setup!!!)!!! Hi Anchovio!!
For anyone interested in joining us on whitemane
https : // discord . gg / xHZpd6
Yeah, I don’t know about playing classic for end game content again, but i may play just to twink in low level BGs again. Those are some of the times i miss the most of…
We went to Stalagg because of the queue times, we had Whitemane as a backup but it is saying “full” now. Plus EST server (although I think it is in Chicago actually). Looks like a lot of my old friends are rolling on Whitemane though (Including Galwrath and Toratora) - even if they won’t respond to me
Maybe I’ll make a night elf druid and hunt them in world pvp >:) /joke
I’ll talk to the old Dauntless crew and see what they think about switching servers, would be fun to get a massive darkspear crew back together!
How many people do you have for your guild currently? I think we have around 10 or so. What time do you think you will be raiding?
Yes, I had stage 4 terminal cancer and yes I died on the operating table. Legally dead for a whole minute and change. However when I was talking to god I decided I was a warrior not a wuss and I came back to life.
I’ll tell you all about it over Bnet or in game but, after 9 months of chemo and a 10h, 134 staple operation I am all better now. I was being watched closely for a few years and was in remission for 5 years and now I just go in once a year for a CT scan. No signs of cancer and in 2021 I’ll be officially pronounced “cured”. Made a conscious decision not to play wow or stream at the time because I didn’t wan to get famous that way, however now I’m kicking myself for not taking advantage of the opportunity . Thank goodness for Canadian healthcare. If this had happened in the states I’d probably be in debt for life =x.
We have enough to fill a molten core raid on Whitemane already, I think.
https: // discord . gg / xHZpd6
70 people in discord? If at least half of them are currently subbed we’ll be g2g for MC week 2 optimisticly, 3 realistically. There is some concern about Whitemane being full but currently the management is adamant about not moving servers. This could easily change day 1 if there are abysmal que times, though.
I think I have some other friends who will be rolling on Stalaag since that’s in my timezone, maybe my 3rd toon will be on that server
Oh wow, thank you for the story - I had no idea! That is amazing news though - so happy for you. True about American health care costs - a sad but true reality.
That’s awesome, I’m not sure how many people we have on Stalagg but I’ll let the group know for sure. I think release week is going to be hectic no matter what. I could totally see myself rolling a character on Whitemane as well - if nothing else then so we can pvp together!
You are one of the few people still on my friends list (I assume a lot of my friends are missing because they removed me? Which is fair, after 12+ years haha - or maybe they transferred servers/changed names - not sure) - I also have your druid (Bearly).
Hey man, not sure if you will remember me, but I was in Burnination back in the day. I never did hit 60 though, so I wasn’t able to join you guys in any raids. Basically, I just got in the guild because of my name, Troggddor.