Darkshore PTR Changes: The Good and still Bad

10/26/2018 07:17 PMPosted by Vera
10/26/2018 06:35 PMPosted by Amadis
Honestly, I'd rather this, too, but given how much work they've put in to Sira, I think the best outcome we can hope for is simply getting the best presentation we can out of this worst case scenario.

They could have just raised horde troops/bloodelves . Thus giving the dark rangers a way in. She already does it to one of Lorethemar's subjects we find out. Not sure why they couldn't just switch it around and add bloodelf npcs.

True. But there is perhaps hope for the Undead Night Elves. If Delaryn really is Sylvanas, and Sylvanas is Arthas, as Sylvanas' claim to fame after her first death was helping the original Forsaken make claims on their free will, maybe Delaryn will ultimately come to help the Undead Night Elves claim their freedom from Sylvanas and ultimately realign with the living Kaldorei like Sylvanas eventually did reestablish ties with Quel'thalas.

As I said, I withhold judgement on the continuation of Delaryn's story until we see more of it.