<Darkness> Pagle [A] PvE Tues/Fri/Sun Night Raiding

Free pizza for guildies!

still recruiting!

Come join the Darkness! You too can be a 90s goth with us! Also … we have brownies

still recruiting!

still recruiting!

still recruiting!

40 Mage and 43 Priest looking for a WoW Classic guild with an eye on leveling and raiding once we reach the end game.

Sevenfold feel free to add me Discord via Pizzalicious#3878 or Bnet Pizzalicious#1927

still recruiting! For Pizza! For Freedom! For ( o Y o ) !

What is your raid schedule?

We have since merged with the Scarlet Dawn. We raid Friday nights MC at 9pm Server in Team 1. Team 2 raids Saturday nights MC at 7pm Server. Onyxia gets roflstomped anytime shes not on cooldown