Tentacles missing and everything. It’s as if the helmet completely overrides the character’s head model, instead of just sitting over it. I wonder if that’s how helmets normally work, but they forgot a toggle for this one specifically, or something.
It’s super cursed on Mechagnomes. Your racial goggles are still visible in the inside of it, though backface culling is on, and it doesn’t ‘take off’ your ear upgrades, so they just clip through like Lightforged Draenei horns. It also doesn’t even contact your head, not even close. You can see right through between the hat and your unnerving neck stump thingy.
It seems… rather lazy…
(Edit: I say this as someone who also does 3D modeling work.)
I do a lot of 3d work in Blender as well, and lazy is the word I too would use to describe it. There’s no excuse for what amounts to a premium transmog set being released like this.
to be fair the art team may have finished the missing texture underneath and some other bug in the game is causing it to not display or there was problem in uploading it to live servers. who knows what the issue is. i find it hard to believe the art team would not notice a texture completely missing. and if they did they decided it looked cool for it’s creepiness factor. i kinda like it but also won’t care if they fix the missing texture
I, three, have done plenty of 3D work in the past, and I’m not sure “lazy” is accurate in this. I think it’s, honestly, more of a mechanical bug. Something entirely unrelated to model geometry.
My guess is that it’s flagged as a “greathelm” (or whatever they call full-coverage helms on the backend). These types of helms likely hide the head geometry when applied to bodies. My assumption is that this prevents things like noses / snouts and maybe fangs from clipping through the front of the 'mog geometry.
However, many greathelms in WoW are usually “closed” at the bottom: they have polygons sealing the part that, in real life, would normally be open. This head piece is hollowed. That you can see the inside texture of the mask suggests that it was meant to fit over existing head geometry instead of replacing it. This is why it’s not necessarily a case of laziness. They actually modeled the inside of this new helm.
My guess? It was accidentally flagged to hide the head geometry when applied. The fix? I assume they just need to unset that flag. If it’s more difficult than that, then… I have no idea. I’m just guessing anyway. =P
Same issue on Goblins with the added bonus of the shoes also being bugged. I was wondering why the shoes had green and then realized it was the tops of my feet showing through. Cool set, but needs a bit more work.
Oh I don’t mean that the work that went into the outfit was lazy - on the contrary, it’s one of the best-looking sets I’ve seen in WoW.
I’m talking about the effort/lack of effort in making the helm cooperate with the head mesh before releasing this. There is simply no way they could have missed that the Visage literally decapitates our characters.