Dark iron class

Hello all,

I finally unlocked dark iron dwarves, and man, they are cool! I read up on dwarf lore and actually found it pretty interesting.

I want to make a dark iron alt, but i cant decide on a class. I do want something fiery though!

My first choice was a fire mage… but i really dont like how fire mage plays right now with low damage outside cooldowns and living bomb being a shell of its former self.

I also love warlocks, and destruction would be a good fit with a fire themed spec. My only concern would be the use of fel magic. Do dark iron dwarves use chaos/fel magic?

Shaman was another thought, i enjoy all flavors of shaman. But again, elemental and enhancement use a lot of non fire magics including water and ice, which just feels wierd. Although summoning a fire elemental is very cool as a dark iron…

So i thought i would post and ask for thoughts or advice.

Shaman, Warrior or Paladin look amazing as Dark Iron. Shaman uses fire spells,and you can focus on that.

Or a Pyromancer, as mage<3

One of the huge turn offs for me with shaman is that they removed the glyph of ascendance. I find the graphic on ascendance to be unbearable.

Although fire elementals are cool as a dark iron, and their totems look so cool!

Ah, I wish for the days when a gentleman who repoed hard for the Dark Irons would have jumped all over this, just to have another fellow who repped equally hard for the Wildhammers to shoot right back!

In any case, the first fellow has quite a few posts, way, way back that argue the point that Dark Irons were the first dwarven shamen, thanks to their connection (enslavement maybe) by Ragnaros. This is often contested by the Wildhammers. What is not contested, however is that they were the first dwarven mages, and by extension, the first dwarven warlocks, due in large part to their embrace of fire and shadow magics along with their pursuit of power!

I, too, love the Dark Irons, and have recently created a Dark Iron paladin for who gains his power not by worship of the Light, but by his own self-righteous conviction in the Rule of Law.

Where there are many who seek to cull their rivals by blade, poison, or cantrip, those who perform such crimes will be brought to justice, and see their judgment in the Ring of Law!

In any case, I feel shaman, Fire mage, destro lock, all wonderfully fun fits for a Dark Iron!

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Legend has it that the dark iron warriors tattoo themselves in ways which cause them to embrace the heat of battle as they become enraged.

Speak to your local scribe for more information.

Oh I am still lurking. Wildhammer for LIFE! It’s humbling to hear my legacy continues.
Was forced to take a break due to my own version of the Blackrock Mountain incident. Needless to say my old gaming rig did not survive the fire. Took a while to save up for a better one.

Admittedly I don’t know enough about Dark Iron lore to be definitive. The Heritage armor looks Plate, so I’d go Warrior or Paladin if ye wanted to use it in part or in full. There are weapons ye can use like me Firebrand battleaxe, and enchants to give a good Fire theme to ya character.