Wow Chookz! You and Graphex were my dudes. Plans to play classic?
DUET my boy! Hi sir
Yes sir. Unsure which faction, though. Might just remake the 'ol Orc Hunter & NE Druid combo
You gonna be on oceanic realms anyway biznitch
mayyyyybe. I do like the idea of super low ping… but ~100-140 ping to USW isn’t bad!
Why isn’t this server in the RPPVP section? Dark Iron was RP man.
I used to be in Exuberance, I still am in Exuberance, but I used to too.
Also FF PRIME! WIllow where are you I’m still holding like 1k gold for the items that were auctioned from the gbank when that officer got hacked.
Prondwarf, Pornstache - Exuberance
Happymadison - FF PRIME
There is a new PAA discord floating around. Reach out to people you know or the FB group for the link.
Bro I remember you and everyone on your list. I was a NE rogue named Radixx. I don’t even remember all the guilds I was in but I started in Mortis N Ruinae then I progressed to being Gm and raid leader for a few bigger guilds… was so long ago =(
I was Micah, human paladin, from Midnight Alliance.
This is the same character actually. Picked Dark Iron on my first day in WoW and finally got to become one.
Man I forgot about “Operation: everything must die”. I was in UC for that. Crazy.
This is Barnaby the Hunter from Annarchy - Raiding with the Mystery Machine group and Fear Engine during the BC expansion was some of the best times I had in WoW.
As displayed, a Paladin named Sharlet. Classic - WotLK, barely touched the game since the last arena season of Wrath, but I do miss a lot of people I used to PvE with throughout the expansions and old Gladiator grind partners.
Oh, wow! I played in EV. I was NE Rogue named Ferfax. I was maybe 14 or 15 and I was quite the little turd in the day. I doubt anyone would remember me, but seeing the name brought back quite a few memories!
Edit: Shortly after I left EV, I started a guild named Heroes of Valour with the same character mentioned above. If any old guildies happen to see this, I’d love to get back in touch!
I played Cornan the Dwarven Warrior during classic. I was in Keepers of the Wang (later forced to change to KotW.) Any other Wangers out there? I mostly ran with the Waffles intra-PAA raid group. I also did spot duty in some of the random other guild raids in the general Penny Arcade Alliance. I’d love to get to play with some of my old group again. Hit me up.
Annomander, human priest and later Caisy, human warlock. Was in a few guilds, so much coming back as i scroll through this
I was a member of the guild you started, A human Warrior named Sentin.
I recognize a lot of names here!
It’s amazing how long it has been
I was Cardia, Night Elf Warrior tank. Will be playing again.
Hello Everyone
I’m MySeries, and Bloodaxes!!
Played from before Opening the gates of AQ, till half way through Panda. I Came back around the last half Warlords of Dreanor.
Guilds: Sandwich No Jutsu, Purgatory, Erkin Elite, Knights From Hell. (EDIT: Forgot Exodus)
DarkIron - Alliance: MyHuntress, MyRogue, MyWarlock, MyFelMage, MyDruid, MyDruidess, MyShammie, MyPaladin, PyPriest, KhoriumThong, MyIronPanty, MyDeathknigh, MyDemonhunt, MyMonk,
Area 52 - Horde: Chathililil(Prot Pally), MyMonkey, MyShaman
Sentinels - Alliance: MyMirage (shadow Priest), MyHuntress
MoonGuard - Alliance: SeraBloodaxe, KeiraBlodaxe, NikiBloodaxe
Hey All!
Boy do I recognize some of these names. But I wasn’t PAA.
Kensington - Priest
Resjudicata - Hunter
Semper Letalis
Care Bear Stare
Moose on the Loose
I really hope some of my old guildies return. I dropped the game for 5 years and lost contact with almost all of you.
Kierkegaard, what’s up? Used to raid as dwarf spriest named Sarcophagus. Can’t remember the guild but have a screenshot of us wiping on Vael, lol.