Danuser Rumor

It’s just a second lease on life. That’s all.

In fact, you might say that the Undead are the most pro-life of all.


See? Enekie gets it. It’s just a public service the Forsaken perform.

The Horde will always be somewhat of a charity case in my eyes. They were tricked by Gul’dan. They were tricked by Sylvanas and they still don’t have chairs.

flips a shiny silver piece at the nearest Horde lackey

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One time I painted a tunnel on a wall and a Horde member, thinking it was a real tunnel, ran face-first into it.

Anyway, that’s probably why they burned the tree.


What Sylvanas did in tricking the Horde to burn down Teldrassil is done and should never be forgiven.

I sleep better at night imagining that Sylvanas fell for the oldest trick on Azeroth.

Trickster #1:

“Hey! Syl! Check out this groovy new flying carpet mount I just scored! Hop aboard! I’ll catch you! I promise!”

It is just recycling!

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