Instead of repeatedly saying “So you didn’t jump”, it would be more helpful and appropriate if you instead said, “Did you jump to remove the debuff stacks?”. Etrich and others have already replied to you and stated that they had removed the debuff stacks and were still dying. Repeatedly saying “bet you didn’t” “turns out you didn’t” is not helpful in any manner and can be construed as “trolling” and overall impolite forum behavior.
Unless they’re going to provide any evidence that isn’t anecdotal, I’m going to automatically jump to the conclusion that has solved this for everyone else: they are failing the mechanic. Anyone bringing up the squares as a point of contention doesn’t understand the actual mechanic as you can completely ignore the squares entirely at level 80 as the dot does nothing. The only way to die is failing to clear dancing fever, which coincidentally will be expiring just after the danse macabre goes out.
“I haven’t seen this bug, so it’s not real.”
Very helpful, excellent input.
I haven’t seen the mechanics so it’s bugged
Well I went and ran this with some guildies. And can confirm, it is bugged. Multiple deaths with the “Dancing Fever” debuff removed. I died twice without the debuff.
So yes, it is a bug.
edited to add
I meant to post this over a month ago, but due to unforeseen health issues have not been online to do so. So I’m posting it now.