Dance/jokes/flirts for gnolls?

List ideas here.

Your skin is so soft, it would make a great tent.


“Your mother was a Kobold and your father smelt of Earthroot!”

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Already got some ideas in this other thread you made: If Gnolls were playable, what dance would they have?


Likely several existing voice-lines in the game related to meat.


Likely several possible opportunities related to “meat”, none of which will make it into the game.



Has to be some new ideas.

First comment, best comment.


Blizzard cleansed a lot of the good jokes and flirts from current playable races some time ago, so I don’t really care about emotes anymore.

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Someone mistook me for a Worgen the other day. I had to remind them Worgen don’t have tails :upside_down_face:


I just want their laugh to be like how Ed laughs

God I miss being able to mimic that laugh. Drove so many friends nuts as a teen

Something something: Fleas.
Something something: Scurvy.
Something something: Grassy Knoll.
Something Something: Beyonce Knolls.
A clear and obvious rip off of a human joke, but knollified.

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Its Gnoll. Not Knoll.

“Whadda say we kick up some dust?”
No dance. Let them stand there like, “yea, I don’t dance” with a look of disapproval.

Maybe I pronounce my silent G’s like they are silent K’s. Ever think of that?

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Maybe its text so its not pronounced at all. Ever think of that?

I have definitely pronounced knoll

If they’re gnolls that at least know of the dragon isles ones maybe a joke about the ones who used rot magic? Like how Vol’dun Vulpera guys make a joke about the pirate vulpera they could make the playable gnolls crack a joke about those of their kind who stooped so low as to use rot/decay magic?

I have an accent. Ever think of that?

Once again, its text. :man_facepalming:
One thing I did think of. You’re trolling and wasting my time. Ignored and reported.

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There is no k sound in Gnoll though. Just say Noll then? smh. This dude is trolling. Knoll sounds more that Malta food, Kannoli