Dalvengyr Alliance Reconnections

I was mostly Horde on this server, but I did swap ally for a little while.

Breaku, usually Undead priest.

Hi I’m Obeah. Played alliance on this server and now am on Sargeras on retail and Incendious in classic. Playing horde in classic this time around!

Btag: Obeah#1648

Nice to see so many people still playing :smiley:


Hi, Obeah! I miss my old Fate friends.

hey Dejablue. I remember you. I don’t see many that I do remember though.

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Hello all, i been looking for something like this for a long time, even gone as far to make posts or topics to try and meet people when attending blizzcon’s in the past. My Characters name was : Centuaro Gnome mage started off on whisperwind and moved to dalvengyr on the free world move.
Guild on whisperwind was Lion War and i also played with Royal Marines when i went to Dalvengyr i was with Arch Enemy. If anyone remembers the name or player feel free to message me or tag me, i also have a discord name is Centuaro#1094.

Nizz - gnome mage. Dueled infront of IF all day long with Chamilton, Flipsyde (aka Klap) and Willie. I recognize quite a few of you. Got gladiator in season 1 with a rogue buddy and I can’t for the life of me remember his name, so if any of you do that’d be cool. Transferred to Anetheron at the start of season two to play with Johnrambo and Unholydeity of < GODZ> -> then < Stormstrike Celebrity >

I’m playing classic on a small server, but I don’t want to give it out - Stalk and Kill may come after me :slight_smile:

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Came across this and i actually remember you!! We used to duel alot in front of IF. Hunter that went by the name Azurri. Do you still speak to Chamilton?! Sadly cant find his name on here, really good friend of mine during that time. I ALSO remember your rogue buddy, he was in my guild and i cant even remember his name either!! He was a a friend of mine as well during the good old BC days. Great times.

Yuckie, human priest/GM of Prodigy. Hit me up if your playing DF and want to run some keys or something. discord: Yuckie#8296 / bnet: yuckie#11813


Yuckie! I was BigDave one of the Rogues (serge, ruzai, cyrithor), good times hope all is well

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Man… I remember playing with Captfrank back in Fate so long ago…