Dalvengyr Alliance Reconnections

Played on Dalvengyr from 2005- some point in Cataclysm. Went by a few different names.

Macfist - Hunter, played vanilla-early wotlk
Xiler/Bombchu - Wotlk- Cata

Likely going to be playing on Herod as Horde.

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Hi there.

Sigmagrey - Dwarf hunter. Came over from Whisperwind during the free transfers. Spent most of my time amidst pvp-related things.

Still have a very vivid memory of joining the (1st?) Alterac Valley on Dalvengyr. Woke up and got the queue pop, played for 9-10 hours and went to bed before it ended.

See you guys around!

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Oh my god, hi Felbane it’s Cirrith

Name: Cirrith, arms warrior
Guild: Cereal Killers, which broke up and then we merged with another guild. I can’t remember, I think it was Action Nine News or something, there may have been one in between
Names I remember:
Dvs or Devious (?)

There was a bunch others. We transferred to Dalvengyr as horde and did PvP and made it part way through Karazhan.

Add me on BNet #cirrith1634

Kiyiya, Night Elf Rogue: First guild was Lords of the Storm then it died and so I went to Right Click To Attack. And then to Incurro Noctis til that guild died. Still on Dalvengyr too cheap to move my characters and too lazy to level up new ones lol

Human paladin, mostly Holy.
Crimson Destiny, Tymefuse GM
Fate, Captfrank, Kahula GM
Forgotten Legacy, Fulbert GM

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Seeing quite alot of people i used to know

I know im horde, but i went by both Blackness and Kanda

Sesli do you have Discord? One of my char’s was in your guild Aggro. Would love to touch base!

Reach me on Discord at Destrox#2211

I remember asking seeing you in Netherstorm during TBC and asking you to wait a moment so someone could witness me ding 70 lol.

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Herod right now unless the pop gets too high

Nice he’ll ya will holler at y’all this evening, be fun to play with everyone again ! And we also didn’t lose heart!

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Another Crimson Destiny member. Was Ciao (NE Hunter) on Dalv in classic . Or Astrix. Looking for my French friends in Crimson Destiny. And we need you back Fuse.


Ascend - Holy Paladin
Terra - Death Knight

Fallout & Echoes of Elysium

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Hadran - bear druid
Guild - Incurro Noctis

Definitely remember you. I had a NE Warrior Alahnya in Knights Templar, then a shaman Lizabell in Knights Templar for a bit, then Fallout.

sup, my guy?!

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hello there,
imggmi . com/full/2019/8/14/134dce50a98fd7bb5497bc788c9b13cb-full.jpg.html

What’s up, been a while!

I remember how hard was for the GM to say your name lol