Customization That Should Be

Not necessarily. It’s just an idea with haters. Haters can be one of those loud minorities.

Example: throughout WoW history, Draenei Warlocks were a big taboo. Asking blizzard to add them to the game would summon an army of “no!” louder than a volcanic eruption.

But now Draenei Warlocks are playable and… They are kinda everywhere. Seems like it was a popular idea after all lol

The same could be true with Light Forsaken. We can’t know until we try.

So was Alleria, until she wasn’t :smiley:

Pandas made of pure gold




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give worgen tails

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This, since there are Emerald Dream quests involving such druids defecting.

We already have those. Those ones are called “Green orcs” and “Normal looking Blood Elves with green eyes”. If you are asking for red-skinned Orcs from Outlands, or the mana-addicted elves … no.

The Man’ari was already a stretch but still could be logically conceived. Neither one of the orc or elf suggestions have any chance because of what they quite literally are. Unless you are talking about elves in general at which point, play a Nightborne and you got your “addict” there.

No. Because there’s no functional or meaningful difference between Calia as a Forsaken because yes, she is a Forsaken. You not understanding what a Forsaken is doesn’t mean that she isn’t one.

Forsaken are the name of the faction - you play as a Forsaken regardless of how you were brought back to life. Calia is quite literally just a normal undead, her resurrection method doesn’t really change much about her except maybe she doesn’t feel pain from being healed by the light. But judging by everything that happened in the Shadowlands, it is likely that only Scourge-raised undead feel discomfort by the light due to their connection to Domination magic.

Trolls were unified against the Horde only as a result of Zul’jin and Prophet Zul. Of course tribal factions each had their own cultures, allegiances, and so on. Because of this specific individuals amongst troll tribes could just say “I want to join the Horde” and thus’ they do. Looking over what a forest troll would indicate … we already have them.

Both colour-wise and tattoo-wise.
We don’t have the massive lookin’ trolls though that’s true, but that doesn’t change that we have horde forest trolls customization options. The only thing is that they are for all intent and purposes indistinguishable from other trolls by and large.

Probably just haven’t gotten around to it yet, if they’ll ever do it.

Mages need some goodies. Warlocks have green fire, cool glyphs that actually work (unlike a dozen water elemental glyphs mages have), custom demons to hunt down and collect.

What do mages get? The ancient dalaran portal and different Polymorph skins? The nerds need something.

Red Orcs and red Blood Elves are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less of a stretch than red Draenei.

Red Orcs didn’t spend 25000 years slaughtering green Orcs lol

In fact, there are some of them in the Horde right now.

Fel is here to stay. There are two classes of Fel users. People should be used to Fel already and stop treating it like it’s some sort of taboo. It’s not. It hasn’t been for a long time.


Holy crap that cuts so deep somebody at Blizzard probably felt some phantom pain.

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Fel orcs (more specifically the red ones) are normal orcs who are made to drink blood from pit lords, specifically Magtheridon. There’s no real “Fel Orc” race, there’s a “Fel orc blood disease”.

When they drank Mannoroth’s blood directly instead, you got the Fel Orcs from alternate Draenor namely the Greenish-Greyish-Blackish-Spikeish-Orcish folks instead. There isn’t any race of orcs, and if you want one who has previously been corrupted - you got the green orcs, or none at all.

In terms of the Blood elves … I had forgotten about the Felblood Elves and, sure. Cool. They have the same effect when they drink pit lord blood directly as well. I mean if we go by the book’s descriptions, it is less drinking and more “strapped into a machine and pumped full of blood until they rip themselves free from the table”. Although that’s more for the orcs, I don’t know if we have any sources like that for the Felbloods, but I assume since they are identical in this regard it is likely they are just the same.

I wrote something way longer than this before and then I went back to look at the source material to remind myself and… honestly, this is a far better summary of it.

There isn’t a “Fel orc” race, unless you want to talk about the specific orcs who regularly were killing each other out of madness, rage, and bloodlust.

Yes. Just most likely not in the way you want it, since… not much of any of this makes much if any sense.

I’m not asking for a Fel Orc race. I’m asking for a Fel Orc skin for regular Orcs, just like we got a Man’ari skin for regular Draenei.

The Horde has some Fel Orcs. There’s no reason not to let the player be one of them.

Here’s another Horde Fel Orc just for fun :smiley:

Sidenote: Technically “not being a race” didn’t stop the Undead and the Worgen from being playable races. Both are just Humans with different curses. There are also Kul Tirans, who are just Humans, period. Not even a curse. If Blizzard wanted to add Fel Orcs as a Race, they could. I think it would be better to just add it as a skin for Orcs.

Sidenote2: As a principle, I don’t read walls of text. So in order to respect your time, I gotta warn you: If you write a wall of text for me to read, I’m just gonna read the first few lines and all the rest goes to waste.


Oh, well in that case this is a moot point.

The Man’ari is a distinctive race called the Eredar which is the original name for the Draenei, with Draenei meaning “the exiled ones”. Man’ari are a distinctive original-/sub-race of Draenei, ergo why they could just give the same customization options as they are the same.

Fel Orcs aren’t. They are quite literally corrupted and diseased.

Here’s an Orc Lumberjack with a beerdrinking helmet.

Or how about a Blizzcon bear?

I’m pretty sure Blizzcon isn’t canonical in-universe.
If you can find a red orc that isn’t from TBC (as in these mobs were put there during TBC and assuming the logical conclusion is that they made a mistake and just kept them there), then I’d have a far easier time imagining this.

Otherwise … it is a cool thing that doesn’t mean much. Unless they play some kind of a role, they have been there since TBC and we haven’t seen anything to indicate that they represent some huge kind of a faction.

Undead are an’t a race, no. Forsaken are a faction of undead though.
Worgen are quite literally a race, Gilneans is the faction but the race is Worgen and they can infect others with the Curse of the Worgen.
No one argues that Kul Tirans aren’t humans … how is this even an argument?

How to tell someone is trolling: “Agree with me or else you are wrong” and “I can only read half an abstract”.

It’s not trolling, it’s just that IMHO a giant wall of text is just a way to disrespect the reader’s time.

If you can’t be bothered to summarize your ideas, I can’t be bothered to read them lol

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You didn’t need to anyway. His point was negated with the first line.

And this differs from green orcs HOW?

Don’t even get me started on all the different elves.


Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Giv claws!


More skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors for Zandalari trolls. I’m fine if they keep skin tones to shades of blue, green and gray as is currently the case; it remains that they only have six skin tones, and there’s a hell of a lot that can be done even just with shades of blue, green and gray. The same range of hair colors that jungle trolls get would also be awesome, as would having more than four eye colors. (Golden for my baby prelate, please and thank you.)

Every race should have access to a style with a single braid that drapes down the back instead of over a shoulder for some misbegotten reason (the dwarven style simply called “braided,” the Kul Tiran “fishtail,” and the Zandalari “arcanital” style—as opposed to the jungle troll undercut braid, the Zandalari “warbraid,” and the night elven “braided tail” style—are good examples of what I mean). Every race should also get a messy/choppy bob as per the Lightforged “pixie” style. Every race should get a mohawk/sidecut style that’s decently textured.

Male-coded draenei should be able to style hair and crests separately, and need skinny tendril options; also; the short tail option is offputting and needs a revamp. Female-coded draenei need those two skin tones. Draenei in general need short tendril options.

Worgen and possibly trolls (I can see how height might be an issue in the latter case) need posture toggles like orcs got.

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