Custom voice when players click on you

As long as you can choose not to hear any of it.
AI voice and chat thingy will just make random more random.

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“You think you do… but you don’t.”

That would totally be mine if I were to have some clip on click.

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Relevant for Dragonflight.


people would say the gamer word and get lifetime bans


This, some of us might not have the best/easy to understand voices. But I’d love it if my character could say things like “can I help you?” "what do you need?’ or, if continually clicking “are you trying to make me mad?” or “what is your problem?”

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Tbh… this is the most salvageable idea. Lots of people would probably yell profanities, or say the N-word or make advertisements if they can record their own voice message. It wont work unless their able to detect inappropriate messages before being able to use them.

It would be funny, but inappropriate. Maybe it would still be fun without the inappropriate stuff.


I just want the ones from the Satyr outside the newbie Night Elf area.



I would do the same, but use Tay Zonday’s cover of Rick roll. :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s so bad about people using humor to make people laugh? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s a great idea in theory. Of course the internet would ruin it hours before it went live though.

I don’t need any more internet “humor” than I already absorb by osmosis. I’m old enough that I didn’t understand why or how misspelling “teh” was supposed to be funny 20 years ago, so needless to say modern memes are so far over my head I don’t even know why or what I should be laughing at most of the time.

Meme “templates” are something I will especially never understand. So, you make the same exact joke you’ve been making for literal years, you just change a handful of words? Or, worse yet, you just post the same gif people have been posting, again, for literal years.

Now I’m nauseous.


" Look at me, im a pussy who uses a riot shield "

What if i just said Daboo?

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Nothing. But I would be using cringe to make others cringe.

I would use my house mate’s deep baritone voice for creep repellent. :smiling_imp:

There are so many choices … but then, I occasionally remember that I’m a fairly decent second tenor.

:notes: “Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars…” :notes:

Which is why we have Discord for that.


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Id put in the sound of a CD-Rom makes when you put it in a CD player and blow up your sound system.

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Everytime someone clicked on me you’d all hear:

“Me not that kind of Orc”.

This would be mine

during pride month?!